Archive for June, 2010


Eiger (ST-08)
Eiger (ST-08)

In 2373, Eiger was captured and assimilated by the Borg; she was, presumably, killed when the ship was retaken.[1]

Portrayed by Marnie McPhail.


Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Library, Next Generation, Personnel No Comments

Durr, Gralik

Gralik Durr (ENT-59)
Gralik Durr (ENT-59)

Xindi Arboreal in charge of a kemocite manufacturing plant. Unknown to Durr, his kemocite was being used by the Xindi council to build a massive weapon that would annihilate humanity. Durr aided Captain Jonathan Archer in sabotaging the last shipment of kemocite.[1]


Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments


Duras (TNG-165)
Duras (TNG-165)

As the son of Ja’rod, the greatest rival of Worf‘s father Mogh, by 2366 Duras was his powerful house’s representative on the Klingon High Council and led the cover-up of his father’s treachery in the Romulan massacre of the Khitomer outpost 20 years earlier. Tampering with captured records as “new evidence,” Duras blamed Mogh in an elaborate cover-up as the one behind the debacle which killed 4,000 Klingon colonists, including Worf’s parents, tainting Mogh’s survivor with the alleged dishonor. Despite Duras’ best efforts via assassins and manipulation, the truth was realized, but kept hidden to preserve the political status quo and avoid a civil war.[1]
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Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Library, Next Generation, Personnel No Comments


Engineering crewmember aboard the Enterprise NX-01. During his pregnancy, Commander Tucker chastised Dillard about potentially hazardous conditions in engineering involving an elevator safety bar and a handrail.[1]


  • 1. “Unexpected.” Star Trek: Enterprise, Episode 05. Television. 17 October 2001.
Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments


Lieutenant Dickerson was head of the security team assigned to the transporter room when the Excalbian-created Abraham Lincoln beamed aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701.[1]

Portrayed by Arell Blanton.


Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Library, Original Series, Personnel No Comments

DeSalle, Vincent

Vincent DeSalle (TOS-25)
Vincent DeSalle (TOS-25)

Vincent DeSalle (TOS-30)
Vincent DeSalle (TOS-30)

Lieutenant Vincent DeSalle served as a navigator on the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701.[1, 2] He was later promoted to vice chief engineer.[3] Lt. DeSalle sometimes commanded the bridge, such as when Captain Kirk‘s landing party went missing on Pyris VII.[3]

Portrayed by Michael Barrier.


Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Library, Original Series, Personnel No Comments


DePaul (TOS-23)
DePaul (TOS-23)

Lieutenant DePaul sometimes took helm and navigational duty and he was on the bridge during the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701‘s encounter with the powerful lifeform known as Trelane.[1] He was also on bridge duty during the confrontation with the reptilian Gorn,[2] as well as during a mission to Eminiar VII.[3]

Portrayed by Sean Kinney.


Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Library, Original Series, Personnel No Comments


Dell served aboard the U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656. While working on a harmonic resonance chamber in an attempt to safely store the Omega Molecule, he was designated Three of Ten by Seven of Nine.[1]


Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Library, Personnel, Voyager No Comments

Delaney, Megan

Jenny and Megan Delaney (VOY-195)
Jenny and Megan Delaney (VOY-195)

Megan Delaney served in Stellar Cartography aboard the U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656.[1] During a double-date with Tom Paris, opposite her sister Jenny and Harry Kim, the young ensign fell from a gondola in which the two were riding in a holodeck simulation of Venice.[2] When Kim and Paris were trapped in an Akritirian prison satellite, Megan was referred to as a potential picnic partner. She is described by Paris as part of a dream he had while delirious from a stab wound in the same prison.[3] When Kim and Paris began to play the “Captain Proton” holodeck simulation in 2375, Megan took the role of the evil Mistress Malicia, opposite her twin’s Mistress Demonica.[4]


Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Library, Personnel, Voyager No Comments

Delaney, Jenny

Jenny and Megan Delaney (VOY-195)
Jenny and Megan Delaney (VOY-195)

Jenny Delaney served in Stellar Cartography aboard the U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656.[1] During a double-date with Harry Kim, opposite her sister Megan and Tom Paris, the young ensign fell from a gondola in which the two were riding in a holodeck simulation of Venice. She was described by Paris as “voracious.”[2] When Kim and Paris began to play the “Captain Proton” holodeck simulation in 2375, Jenny took the role of the evil Mistress Demonica opposite her twin’s Mistress Malicia. Jenny harbored a romantic attraction to Kim since their first date in 2371, but he unfortunately had eyes for Megan.[3]


Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Library, Personnel, Voyager No Comments