Prime: Thousands of Years Ago (Page 2)

97,736 B.C.E. | 97,715 B.C.E. | 97,710 B.C.E. | 97,709 B.C.E. | 87,630 B.C.E.
87,035 B.C.E. | 77,630 B.C.E. | 67,710 B.C.E. | 52,000 B.C.E. | 47,737 B.C.E.
47,725 B.C.E. | 47,650 B.C.E. | 47,629 B.C.E. | 47,624 B.C.E. | 42,730 B.C.E.
42,628 B.C.E. | 40,000 B.C.E. | 37,628 B.C.E. | 35,000 B.C.E. | 30,000 B.C.E.
28,600 B.C.E. | 27,630 B.C.E. | 27,628 B.C.E. | 20,000 B.C.E. | 19,626 B.C.E.
19,227 B.C.E. | 17,944 B.C.E. | 17,735 B.C.E. | 17,630 B.C.E. | 17,628 B.C.E.
17,627 B.C.E. | 17,600 B.C.E. | 14,263 B.C.E. | 13,630 B.C.E. | 12,735 B.C.E.
12,730 B.C.E. | 12,628 B.C.E. | 12,571 B.C.E. | 11,800 B.C.E. | 11,157 B.C.E.
11,050 B.C.E. | 11,000 B.C.E. | 10,737 B.C.E. | 10,414 B.C.E. | 10,109 B.C.E.
10,000 B.C.E. | 9999 B.C.E. | 9737 B.C.E. | 9736 B.C.E. | 9700 B.C.E.
9688 B.C.E. | 9632 B.C.E. | 9630 B.C.E. | 9000 B.C.E. | 8730 B.C.E.
8064 B.C.E. | 7848 B.C.E. | 7737 B.C.E. | 7735 B.C.E. | 7732 B.C.E.
7729 B.C.E. | 7640 B.C.E. | 7631 B.C.E. | 7630 B.C.E. | 7628 B.C.E.

97,736 B.C.E.

  • The Meztoriens explore the Careta system and unearth the artifacts of the Kh!lict on the fourth planet. Realizing their danger, the Meztoriens shield the ruins with sensor-jamming fields. The Meztoriens will eventually succumb to the Darneel Invasion in the Dulciphar star cluster. The surviving fragments of their empire fall into a dark age from which they will never emerge.
    [TOS #065]

97,715 B.C.E.

  • Space-time impressions (0’s “footsteps” from half a million years ago) are first charted by Verathan explorers.
    [TNG #048]

97,710 B.C.E.

  • All Erisian worlds are evacuated, including Temaris IV—possibly due to the presence of the Borg.

97,709 B.C.E.

  • An unknown civilization leaves behind a long-distance frequency-focus transporter on the planet Faramond. The entire planet is a giant transporter conductor capable of transporting whole civilizations a distance of light-millennia. However, the builders take the control mechanism for the machine with them, leaving behind an empty hulk. Over the millennia, the Fabrini and half a dozen other races will stumble across it, each studying the machine and abandoning it.

87,630 B.C.E.

  • It is the heyday of the Zalkat Union. Malkus The Mighty approaches Aidulac and commands her to fashion 4 items to ensure his rule. They are: mental control over other sentient life forms (Artifact Alpha), manipulation of weather patterns (Artifact Beta), transport of a deadly disease into a target (Artifact Gamma), and projection of energy beams of great force (Artifact Delta). Each item is indestructible and is in the form of small black boxes. She also makes Malkus and herself immortal. Malkus The Mighty will rule for 1,000 years. After the fall of the Zalkat Union, the 4 devices are spread to the corners of the Union, with the consciousness of Malkus imprisoned within Artifact Alpha.
    [BB #1, BB #2]

87,035 B.C.E.

  • The interstellar gate system is abandoned.
    [TOS #043]

77,630 B.C.E.

  • The Fury of Vulcan is recorded by the testimony of many witnesses when a Vulcan hunter-warrior named Torkas of the Vehm kills 97 of his own village with a leaf-bladed Toth spear before being killed. Ok’San the Overlord of the Furies is the most despised of all Vulcan demons and she represents loss of control and loss of reason. The Ok’San are the Sanoktisandaruval of the Furies who have enslaved the Vulcan people through the use of terror-projection machines. The Furies will rule the Vulcans for tens of thousands of years, burning their domination into the Vulcan race memories, until the arrival of the Unclean (viewed as gods by the Vulcans). The terror weapons have no affect upon the Unclean so the Ok’San throw their Vulcan slaves by the tens of thousands to the Unclean to die. The Furies flee Vulcan, vowing to return and reclaim what they own, and the planet of suddenly-free slaves falls to barbarism. The “war of all against all” will continue until the time of Surak.
    [VOY #09]

67,710 B.C.E.

  • Edris goes nova as predicted by the Erisians 30,000 years earlier.

52,000 B.C.E.

  • The ecosphere of Rigel IV finally dies after hundreds of thousands of years of indifferent struggle. No plant, animal, or microbe remains on the surface. The Rigellians simply glaze over the lifeless ground and use it for parking space for more trade vessels. Artificial life support has already been functional for nearly a million years.

47,737 B.C.E.

  • Lokai, a political criminal, escapes from his home planet Cheron. Bele, a law enforcer, goes in pursuit—which will last 50,000 years. When the two return to Cheron they will find their homeworld a dead planet in the 2260s. Cheron’s destruction will later be attributed to the (*) hate-consuming entity eventually rediscovered on Beta XIIA in 2263.
    [TOS-70, TNG #048, TOS-66]

47,725 B.C.E.

  • The earliest Vulcan texts date back to this era.

47,650 B.C.E.

  • Around this time, sporting events (and perhaps executions) begin to be held at Lerrit’s capital city’s stadium on Bajor.
    [G #7]

47,629 B.C.E.

  • On Alcawell, in the Delta Quadrant, the Second Exodus is ended and the world is empty. The inhabitants have left via dimensional shifting. Fifty thousand years later most everything is totally gone except for the Alcawellian time ships which must be protected by Watchmen from interstellar looters.
    [VOY #02]

47,624 B.C.E.

42,730 B.C.E.

42,628 B.C.E.

  • Native Americans are genetically bonded by alien humanoids known in legend as the “Sky Spirits.” These Humans are known as the Inheritors.

40,000 B.C.E.

  • Like thousands of other races before them, the Preservers come to trade at Rigel. They begin with a small volume then swell to a flood of ships, then fade away, like thousands of other races before them.

37,628 B.C.E.

35,000 B.C.E.

  • The Rigellians learn of the preponderence of humanoid races on both sides of the Arm. Still they do not suspect the truth.
  • The Prophets banish the Pah-wraith entities to the fire caves on Bajor, completely destroying the city Yvrig. Kosst Amojan, their leader, is imprisoned elsewhere on a site that would one day be the city of B’hala. Colonel Kira Nerys, transported from 2376 via an Iconian gateway, experiences the horrors of primitive war, fighting against the Lerrit Army and the Bajora in the Perikian region on Bajor. An Iconian transports her back to DS9 in 2376, and sends the Europa Nova waste to an uninhabited system.
    [G #7]

30,000 B.C.E.

  • A stone relic for the Emissary is buried beneath B’hala on Bajor. It will mark a prophecy of either peace or destruction for Bajor’s future in the Reckoning.
  • On Sierra Bravo 112-II a deep-dwelling sea entity is born during this period.
    [DS9 #025]
  • During this period, the Archimedes principle is discovered on Vulcan.
    [DS9 #024]

28,600 B.C.E.

  • A prophetic document predicting events through the Dominion War is written by Ohalu and buried in the city of B’hala on Bajor during this era. Ohalu preaches that the Prophets are a symbiotic race of beings, not sacred gods. A cult of 10,000 will protect the book and keep its material alive despite its heretical views by the Bajoran religion.
    [DS9 #028, DS9 #029]

27,630 B.C.E.

  • The Vorathum civilization in the Gamma Quadrant reaches its height, spanning over two dozen systems interconnected by a highly developed trade and communications network.

27,628 B.C.E.

20,000 B.C.E.

  • The inhabitants of Altair IV colonize Altair VI. A system-wide civil war is later waged, dropping both worlds into savagery.

19,626 B.C.E.

  • The first of over 947 known excavations takes place on Tagus III.
    [TNG #047]

19,227 B.C.E.

  • A wandering Glath starship captain named Muark Tan brings to Rigel IV evidence of sentient humanoid life on Rigel VIII, including photographs, tools, weapons, clothing, and three live specimens. It is already too late to undo the tampering, as the value of Orion slaves makes itself felt on the open market. Of all the races the Orions have known, the Rigellians will never deal in the sale of Orion slaves. The thought of the fortune the Rigellians passed up will always inspire deep reverential awe in the Orions.

17,944 B.C.E.

  • The Treaty of Kammzdast is signed. The Rigellians sign it in order to preserve peace in the Rigel system.

17,736 B.C.E.

  • All intelligent life on Beekman’s Planet (Hydrilla) is exterminated.
    [TOS #030]

17,735 B.C.E.

  • Kremaster, an extragalactic cyborg, becomes entrapped in the final nexus interstellar gate system, intent on destroying it.
    [TOS #043]

17,630 B.C.E.

  • About this time, the Velexians of Velex die out. Their underground machinery and automatons will continue to function, however, over the next 20,000 years.
    [TNG #031]

17,628 B.C.E.

17,627 B.C.E.

  • On Bajor, a painting is made of the sacred (soon-to-be) lost city of B’hala. General knowledge of the city will be lost for 5,000 years.

17,600 B.C.E.

14,263 B.C.E.

  • The Atom War on Botchok occurs. Somchuk Nhat the Far-Sighted, a Grey Orion, calls the war an example of the failure of diplomacy to handle technological questions. The rebuilding of Botchok will see many Greys rise to high positions in business and in government.

13,630 B.C.E.

  • Civilization begins on Tirek VIII, a species of highly intelligent squidlike creatures.
    [DS9 #015]

12,735 B.C.E.

  • The Aragos civilization is destroyed.
    [TOS #032]
  • Half the galaxy is occupied by the Danons (who may have visited Earth and started the Devil legend). Near the center of the galaxy, they encounter the slug-like Torgas and war breaks out which will last thousands of years. The Danons will eventually be driven back to their homeworld where they will construct their Great Machine as a last line of defense against outside attack, and will worship it.
    [ON #13]

12,730 B.C.E.

  • Rakatan Mons, a volcano on the planet Rakatan (Ordover system), settles down to being virtually inactive.
    [TOS #068]

12,628 B.C.E.

  • The oort cloud in the KDZ-E25F system gets kicked into an inner-system orbit by a grazing stellar body.
    [DoH #2]

12,571 B.C.E.

  • “Working Groups” of Grey Orions are secretly lifted from Botchok to provide technological expertise on other planets. In less than a thousand years their use (although against the Treaty of Kammzdast) will become widespread.
  • On Earth, the first Humans migrate to the North American continent. In 2368, cadets Bobbie Ray, Jayme Miranda, and Hammon Titus will discover calcified Human bones beneath San Francisco, California, dating from this period.

11,800 B.C.E.

11,157 B.C.E.

  • A contingent of both Grey and Ruddy Orions propose the Namazz Accord to the Kammzdast signatories. In their altered version of this event, the name of only one Grey Orion, Dufen Maads, is preserved and he is referred to as a Ruddy. No mention of any other Greys is made, though they perform the bulk of the work in planning the re-ecologizing of Botchok.

11,050 B.C.E.

  • For a few days, the Rigellians detain a Grey Orion, Talduk Sik, part of a technical working group about to go outsystem. He is the first Orion that the Rigellians study, and he is carefully interviewed and questioned. This occassion, however, will become almost mystical to the Orions, particularly the Greys. Even in the far future some will still think of the Rigellians as their Makers. For their part, the Rigellians will think of the occasion as the first time they began to feel forebodings about the Orions.

11,000 B.C.E.

  • At approximately this time in the Delta Quadrant, the Caretaker’s people, extra-galactic beings, encounter the Ocampa homeworld and accidentally destroy the atmosphere. Two of the Caretakers elect to remain behind in an immense Array to care for the Ocampa people, having relocated them into a subterranean environment.
    [VOY-101, VOY-102, VOY #01]

10,737 B.C.E.

  • The Andromedan androids occupy the Nevis system sector for over a million years. The Nevisians visit the androids and explore space—all without starships but with an interstellar transporter. An unspecified interstellar war chases the Nevisians back to the Nevis system, dropping out of sight after withdrawing their ambassadors and explorers. A thousand years later interplanetary war breaks out, and in the millennia to come they will forget the science behind their technology (attributing it to their Gods) even though it is fully automated.
    [TOS #081]

10,414 B.C.E.

  • The Greys of the Orion colony on Sharu, aided by Ruddy managers and Green workers, divert a portion of the planet’s industrial capacity to their own purposes without being detected. The textiles, calculators, and jewelry they produce is tiny and economically unimportant, but it is the first time that Orions produce goods for their own benefit on an alien world.

10,109 B.C.E.

  • Grey Orion navigators and computer watchmen are first used as crew aboard alien ships. Within a century, Ruddies will also be used as starship crew, earning a reputation for reliability.

10,000 B.C.E.

  • The planet Vulcan is still at war with itself. It is the beginning of the Age of Expansion, and the unification of Vulcan starts.

9999 B.C.E.

  • The Orion Alliance is forged in secret on Botchok, and the news is passed by word of mouth to every colony. The Alliance, whose membership is purely Ruddy and Grey, declares that every Orion must master the alien technologies they find, with the ultimate aim of liberating Botchok and overthrowing the Treaty of Kammzdast. The Grey Orion Chairman, Klendal Hanok the Liberator, warns that victory will come only after many patient generations and so subtly that hardly anyone will notice.

9737 B.C.E.

  • The planets Prastor and Distrel in the Nevis system go to war over the consumption of Palko fruit segments. An interplanetary transporter not only links their two worlds together but also resurrects their dead fallen in battle.
    [TOS #081]

9736 B.C.E.

  • The Tam Paupa is first worn on the planet Pandro (Garo VII).

9700 B.C.E.

  • Orions are now serving on most alien merchant vessels.

9688 B.C.E.

  • The Bema revolt in Orion space. Over 50,000 Green Orions and lower-class Ruddies stage an uprising protesting their working conditions, which becomes a demand to liberate all Orions everywhere and release the homeworld. Julin Hyrax the Brave volunteers his Greys—all 3,000 of them—to the Magistrate of Bema to stop the revolt. Distrustful of any Orion, the Magistrate refuses. Julin leads his Greys, unarmed, against the revolutionary army and demands their surrender. The army slaughters Julin’s Greys; only 22 survive the butchery. The Kammzdast signatories remember the gesture as a sea-change in Orion behavior, and for a while, the Orions revere Julin as a martyr to a better future. This revolt becomes the last Orion revolt for 57 centuries. The Era of Good Feeling begins (ending in 1492 B.C.). The Orions laboriously build for themselves a reputation for loyalty, honesty, and trustworthiness—a deception of the boldest kind. During this period, the Orions will gain the rights to own their own enclaves and industry and to serve on alien starships.

9632 B.C.E.

  • A Kurlan Naiskos sculpture is constructed by a Master of Tarquin Hill on the planet Kurl in the Third Dynasty.

9630 B.C.E.

  • An alien station incorporating a time travel transporter system is built, possibly by the Iconians or Iconian offshoots. It will be abandoned in a few thousand years and destroyed shortly after its discovery by the Enterprise-D in 2370.
    [TNG #031]
  • Kepler’s Star goes nova during this era. The Enser, an avian civilization, will be greatly influenced by the star, interpreting it as a sign of war in heaven. Over the next couple centuries they will remake themselves—retooling their own biology from that of planet-bound, oxygen-breathers to one that ingests radiation and uses it to power their great winged bodies. After all have undergone the transformation, they will launch themselves into interstellar space to do battle with the universe for the soul of God. The Enser desert their planet and all will die in the heart of the supernova.
    [TNG #024]

9000 B.C.E.

  • The mythical continent Atlantis is destroyed. In 2263, Captain Kirk will compare the peaceful Indian settlement on Amerind to that of Atlantis. The Atlantians may have been the ancestors of the Voth.
    [TOS-58, VOY-165]

8730 B.C.E.

  • From 2271, Ennengand and a Kauld battlebarge emerge in unknown space and land on a hellish planet composed almost entirely of metals. All their surplus goes into storing energy and processing metal with extreme efficiency. A new society is formed called the Living who survive on harvesting candleflies and free-dancers. By opening Gateways, the Living have free access to the Outside—but are restricted by their memories of the ‘Curse of space.’ Any whole bodies of hunters are Anointed: their mummified corpses are pumped full of metal and stored aboard the battle- barge.
    [G #2]

8064 B.C.E.

  • War between the Joost-Tseetsk and Loor-Tseetsk races destroys their culture spread throughout fourteen worlds in nine star systems. The former retain their Sphere of Clans to some extent. The latter degenerate into cave-dwellers on the planet Koorn.
    [TNG #021]

7848 B.C.E.

  • The Anu’anshee, one of the earliest warp-capable species in the galaxy, construct an outpost on a planetoid in the Eris Alpha system. They will also leave traces in the Ondahar, Kandoge and Camus systems. Note that the etymology of the name Anu’anshee: it is the Cyrean word for “Collector” or “Those Who Preserve.” Thus the Anu’anshee may, again, be the Preservers. In the Eris Alpha sector they will also be known as the Krytallans and Irakua.
    [ENT #03]
  • Sometime during this era, the natives of Gamma Trianguli VI construct Vaal: a vast underground computer topped off by a serpent head, and eventually a god to the inhabitants. Kukulkan may have been responsible.
    [TOS-38, TAS-21]

7737 B.C.E.

  • A ‘controller’ is installed by the Eymorgs in their underground city on Sigma Draconis VI.

7735 B.C.E.

  • Fabrina goes nova. The Fabrini escape aboard an immense generation ship called “Yonada“.

7732 B.C.E.

  • The volcanic Mount Selaya on Vulcan destroys its peak with such force it craters moons several light-minutes away.
    [TOS #068]

7729 B.C.E.

  • The Cold Factor, a massive quantum olivium collector/neutralizer, is built by the Multimillennials when they decide to depart our galaxy. Difficult to control, these units will later be replaced by smaller robotic probes.
    [TOS #094]

7640 B.C.E.

  • The guard post ‘repositories’ are constructed by the ‘Builders’.
    [TNG #021

7631 B.C.E.

  • The first of nine “Tears of the Prophets” orbs appear in the skies of Bajor—all but one will be taken by the Cardassians. These orbs possess unique properties and originate from an artificially generated wormhole, the dwelling place of timeless beings which Bajoran religion will refer to as the Prophets.
  • Note that according to Captain Sisko‘s visions in 2374 of Benny Russell, a very similar orb will appear on Earth, brought there by a dying alien renegade from Sirius. There it will fall into the possession of the African Dogon tribe of the Mali Republic. At a fair in 1940, Russell’s exposure to the orb will alter his perception.

7630 B.C.E.

7628 B.C.E.

  • Ferengi tradition stretches back to this era (Quark will claim). This is possibly the era during which the sacred Rules of Acquisition are created by the First Nagus Gint, who may in turn have invented (or purchased) warp drive for the Ferengi.
    [DS9-488, DS9-497, DS9 #024]
  • The 4th “Awakening” occurs on Urrytha in the Delta Quadrant.
    [VOY #12]