Archive for June, 2010


Grish (ENT-19)
Grish (ENT-19)

Part of Ulis‘ gang of Ferengi thieves and the helmsman of their ship.[1]


Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments


Colonel Grat (ENT-21)
Colonel Grat (ENT-21)

Colonel Grat was in charge of a Tandaran internment camp for Suliban, where Captain Jonathan Archer and Ensign Travis Mayweather were detained circa 2152. Grat was furious when Archer questioned his methods after discovering the Suliban being held were not connected to the Cabal.[1]

Portrayed by Dean Stockwell.


  • 1. “Detained.” Star Trek: Enterprise, Episode 21. Television. 24 April 2002.
Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments


Gomtuu (TNG-168)

A very old, organic spaceborne life-form, apparently the last of a species of living spacecraft which lived in symbiosis with the crew who flew it, communicating with them telepathically. The crew aboard Gomtuu had been killed due to the radiation from an explosion which penetrated Gomtuu’s skin, and since, Gomtuu has felt the loss deeply. Being a life-form with a social nature, the absence of Gomtuu’s crew had made it terribly lonely, and it had wandered aimlessly for centuries, finally coming to Beta Stromgren before the star went nova to end its life. Betazoid first contact specialist Tam Elbrun communicated with Gomtuu and discovered a kindred soul. The two became fast friends, deeply intertwined, and eventually, Tam decided to stay aboard Gomtuu for the remainder of his own life.[1]


  • 1. “Tin Man.” Star Trek: The Next Generation, Episode 168. Television. 23 April 1990.
Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Library, Next Generation, Personnel, Ships No Comments


Garos (ENT-09)
Garos (ENT-09)

Garos, a Malurian, posed as an Akaali in order to conduct a covert mining operation. He owned a curio shop on the Akaali homeworld that served as a front for the operation. Garos was eventually discovered by Captain Jonathan Archer and the crew of the Enterprise NX-01.[1]

Portrayed by Wade Andrew Williams.


Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments

Forrest, Maximillian (Mirror)

Captain Forrest (Mirror) (ENT-94)
Captain Forrest (Mirror) (ENT-94)

Captain of the Terran Empire‘s I.S.S. Enterprise NX-01. He was killed when the ship was destroyed by Tholians.[1]

Portrayed by Vaughn Armstrong.


Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Mirror, Personnel No Comments


Foreman (ENT-53)
Foreman (ENT-53)

The unethical foreman was in charge of the Delphic Expanse trellium-D mining facility visited by Captain Jonathan Archer and the crew of the Enterprise NX-01. He required an inhaler to breathe, as the toxic fumes from the mines had ruined his lungs. The foreman made a deal with Archer—he would allow the captain to meet with a Xindi worker in exchange for liquefied platinum. The foreman had another motive, however. He planned on “recruiting” the entire Enterprise crew as slaves for his mines. Luckily, Lieutenant Malcolm Reed and the MACOs saved Archer and foiled the plan. The foreman was shot and presumably killed by one of the MACOs during the escape.[1]


  • 1. “The Xindi.” Star Trek: Enterprise, Episode 53. Television. 10 September 2003.
Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments


Ezral (ENT-20)
Ezral (ENT-20)

Ezral was the chief engineer of a Kantare transport vessel that crash-landed circa 2130. Ezral believed himself to be responsible for the death of most of the crew, so he created holographic versions of the crewmembers, to serve as companions for his daughter, Liana. When Ezral’s ruse was discovered by Enterprise NX-01 Captain Jonathan Archer, Ezral agreed to return to his home planet with his daughter.[1]

Portrayed by Rene Auberjonois.


  • 1. “Oasis.” Star Trek: Enterprise, Episode 20. Television. 3 April 2002.
Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments


In 2370, Cardassian Gul Evek led a mission to planet Dorvan V to survey the buildings and equipment that would be left behind when the Human settlers evacuated. When the colonists refused to leave, it appeared an armed conflict would ensue. Evek, who had lost two of his three sons in a war with the Federation, agreed to withdraw his troops from the surface until some solution could be reached. Following the incident at Dorvan V, Gul Evek remained in the Demilitarized Zone.[1]
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Sunday, June 27th, 2010 DS9, Library, Next Generation, Personnel, Voyager No Comments

Evansville, John

John Evansville (VOY-120)
John Evansville (VOY-12)

Twenty-fourth century inhabitant of a Human settlement on a former Briori-held world in the Delta Quadrant. Evansville’s civilization numbered more than 100,000, all descendants of 300 people abducted from Earth in 1937 by the Briori. Evansville invited the crew of the U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656 to stay and live with his people on their world.[1]

Portrayed by John Rubenstein.


  • 1. “The 37s.” Star Trek: Voyager, Episode 120. Television. 28 August 1995.
Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Library, Personnel, Voyager No Comments

Evans, Charles

Charles Evans (TOS-07)
Charles Evans (TOS-07)

The sole survivor of a transport crash on planet Thasus in 2248. Charlie, who was only three years old at the time, was raised by the Thasians, a noncorporeal species. Charlie claimed to have survived by learning from the ship’s computer, but it was later found that the Thasians granted Charlie extraordinary mental abilities in order for him to survive on Thasus. Charlie was rescued at age seventeen by the crew of the survey vessel Antares, but his inexperience with living in human society, combined with his mental powers, made him too dangerous to live with humans, and the Thasians took him back to live on Thasus.[1] Charlie encountered a squad of Starfleet Academy cadets, including Nog, more than a century later while trying to escape the Thasians once again.[2]

Portrayed by Robert Walker, Jr..


  • 1. “Charlie X.” Star Trek, Episode 07. Television. 15 September 1966.
  • 2. “X2.” Star Trek: Starfleet Academy, Issue 8. Comic Book. Marvel Comics. July 1997.