Archive for June, 2010


Humanoid entrepreneur. In 2371, Emi wanted to buy some self-sealing stem bolts from Quark, but Grand Nagus Zek spoiled the deal by telling Emi where she could obtain the bolts at wholesale prices.[1]

Portrayed by Juliana Donald.


Sunday, June 27th, 2010 DS9, Library, Personnel No Comments


Emck’s export vessel operated in the eleventh gradient, engaging in the highly profitable business of disposing of his people’s toxic waste products by dumping them into a region of space informally known as the Void. Unfortunately, this practice produced high levels of hazardous theta radiation, which was severely deleterious to “night beings” living in the Void. When Emck learned of this, he elected to continue dumping anyhow, until he was forced to discontinue the practice by the U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656.[1]

Portrayed by Ken Magee.


  • 1. “Night.” Star Trek: Voyager, Episode 195. Television. 14 October 1998.
Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Library, Personnel, Voyager No Comments


Elliot (TOS-35)
Elliot (TOS-35)

Crewman Elliot was part of a damage-control party sent over the the U.S.S. Constellation NCC-1017 after it had been crippled by the so-called “Doomsday Machine”.[1]

Portrayed by John Copage.


Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Library, Original Series, Personnel No Comments


Eline (TNG-225)
Eline (TNG-225)

Native of the now-dead planet Ressik IV and the beloved wife of the ironweaver Kamin. Eline lived circa 1300 in the village of Kataan. Memories of her life were preserved aboard a space probe launched from Ressik IV. The probe encountered the Jean-Luc Picard.[1]

Portrayed by Margot Rose.


Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Library, Next Generation, Personnel No Comments


Eliann was present when Harry Kim visited Taresia in 2373. Kim had been convinced that he was actually a Taresian who had been raised by a family on Earth, though this was later proven to be a ruse. Eliann was interested in becoming one of Kim’s wives and pursued him to that end. She actually wanted to use his cells’ genetic material to conceive offspring, a process which would have left Kim an emaciated corpse.[1]

Portrayed by Cari Shayne.


Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Library, Personnel, Voyager No Comments


Eleen (TOS-32)
Eleen (TOS-32)

Mother to Leonard James Akaar of planet Capella IV. Eleen’s husband, High Teer Akaar, was killed in a local power struggle in 2266, whereupon Eleen accepted the necessity of her own death under Capellan law, since she carried the unborn child who would be teer. Her execution was prevented by personnel from the Klingon outsiders from overthrowing her government, a distinction that was expected to have caused Captain James T. Kirk and Dr. Leonard McCoy to become insufferably pleased with themselves for at least a month, in the estimation of Enterprise executive officer Spock.[1]

Portrayed by Julie Newmar.


Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Library, Original Series, Personnel No Comments

Elbrun, Tam

Tam Elbrun (TNG-168)
Tam Elbrun (TNG-168)

Betazoid specialist in first contact with new life-forms. Elbrun was a telepath of extraordinary talent, but he lacked the ability to screen out the normal telepathic “noise” emanating from other humanoids’ thoughts. This caused Elbrun great emotional stress, for which he was hospitalized repeatedly. While a patient at the University of Betazed, Elbrun was cared for by psychology student Deanna Troi. As a first contact specialist, Elbrun participated in the notorious Ghorusda disaster, and later served as Federation representative to Chandra V. In 2366, Elbrun was assigned to the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D for the strategically significant “Tin Man” first contact. Elbrun, who had lived all his life desperately seeking isolation, found the living spacecraft Tin Man, which called itself Gomtuu, to be a kindred spirit.[1]

Portrayed by Harry Groener.


  • 1. “Tin Man.” Star Trek: The Next Generation, Episode 168. Television. 23 April 1990.
Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Library, Next Generation, Personnel No Comments


Drayan individual who, despite her advanced age, looked and acted like a young child. In 2372, Elani and several other elder Drayans traveled to one of the Drayan moons in order to carry out their final ritual. Their shuttle crashed on the moon and all of their attendants died, leaving the elders alone. Lieutenant Commander Tuvok, whose shuttle had also crashed there, comforted and took care of the easily confused Drayans. Elani died of natural causes on the crysata moon shortly thereafter.[1]

Portrayed by Sarah Rayne.


  • 1. “Innocence.” Star Trek: Voyager, Episode 138. Television. 8 April 1996.
Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Library, Personnel, Voyager No Comments


Elaan (TOS-57)
Elaan (TOS-57)

Elaan married the leader of planet Troyius in 2267, an arranged marriage intended to bring peace to the two warring planets. Elaan was shuttled from Elas to Troyius aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701. The flight was deliberately slowed in the hopes that Elaan would take the extra time to learn more of Troyian culture. The willful Elaan at first strongly resisted having a new culture forced upon her, but later accepted the responsibility.[1]

Portrayed by France Nuyen.


Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Library, Original Series, Personnel 1 Comment


Inhabitant of a planet in the Teplan system located in the Gamma Quadrant. Like all on her planet, Ekoria was infected with a deadly disease known as the blight. Ekoria’s husband was an artist. Before his death in 2371, he painted a mural on a city building depicting life in happier and healthier times, before the blight devastated Teplan civilization. In 2372, Dr. Julian Bashir saved the life of her unborn child by developing a vaccine that was effective if administered before birth. Ekoria died shortly following childbirth.[1]

Portrayed by Ellen Wheeler.


Sunday, June 27th, 2010 DS9, Library, Personnel No Comments