

An inhabitant of Earth who worked as a safari guide in the Central American rain forest during the mid-24th century. Antonio once guided Kolopak and Chakotay in a search for the descendants of the Rubber Tree People.[1]

Portrayed by Joseph Palamas.


  • 1. “Tattoo.” Star Trek: Voyager, Episode 125. Television. 6 November 1995.
Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010 Library, Personnel, Voyager No Comments


Annorax (VOY-176)
Annorax (VOY-176)

Krenim scientist who worked to develop a temporal weapon of mass destruction. In an alternate timeline, Annorax was one of the greatest mass murderers in the galaxy, rivaling even the Borg Collective. In this alternate timeline, Annorax successfully developed the Krenim temporal weapon ship and used it against the Rilnar, enemies of the Krenim. Unfortunately, Annorax had failed to adequately consider the complexities of temporal mechanics. The elimination of the Rilnar from history left his people susceptible to a deadly disease that left some fifty million Krenim dead, including his beloved wife. Annorax spent the next 200 years using his temporal weapon, trying to restore his people’s original timeline, but each use brought further unpredicted side effects. In the process, he destroyed thousands of worlds, eliminating untold trillions of innocent lives from history, but he was never able to entirely restore his people.[1] Annorax was reunited with his wife when his ship was attacked by the U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656, causing a temporal incursion that removed the Krenim ship from the timeline, undoing all the changes to history it had wrought.[2]

Portrayed by Kurtwood Smith.


Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010 Library, Personnel, Voyager No Comments


Son of the Autarch of the Ilari nation in the Delta Quadrant. Ameron was second in line to become Autarch, after his older brother, Demmas. In 2373, Tieran killed the Autarch, taking the title for himself. Tieran, whose consciousness inhabited Kes‘ body, intended to marry Ameron in order to solidify his power base. Although outraged at first, Ameron became seduced by the promise of power and joined in Tieran’s plan.[1]

Portrayed by Karl Wiedergott.


  • 1. “Warlord.” Star Trek: Voyager, Episode 152. Television. 20 November 1996.
Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010 Library, Personnel, Voyager No Comments


Captain Amasov faced the Borg in battle at Wolf 359, and his ship was the only one to survive the encounter. After the massacre, Amasov said, “It is my opinion that the Borg are as close to pure evil as any race we’ve ever discovered.”[1]


  • 1. “Scorpion.” Star Trek: Voyager, Episode 168. Television. 21 May 1997.
Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010 Library, Personnel, Voyager No Comments


Amanin, a Betazoid psychiatrist, developed a method of retrieving unconscious memories from a humanoid mind, utilizing a combination of sensory isolation and focused breathing. Such recovered memories were, however, found to sometimes be the product of unrelated stimuli and could therefore be wildly inaccurate if not corroborated by other evidence. In 2374, the U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656‘s Emergency Medical Hologram incorporated Amanin’s memory reconstruction methods into his psychiatric routines.[1]


Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010 Library, Personnel, Voyager No Comments


Scientist. Alzen, along with about fifty other researchers, was part of a Srivani science team that secretly came aboard the U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656 in 2374 to conduct invasive and dangerous medical tests on the ship’s crew.[1]

Portrayed by Rosemary Forsyth.


Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010 Library, Personnel, Voyager No Comments


Romulan subcommander serving aboard the Warbird T’Met in 2374.[1]


Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010 Library, Personnel, Voyager No Comments


Allos (VOY-157)
Allos (VOY-157)

In 2374, Allos, a quantum scientist from the Delta Quadrant, created about 200 million Omega molecules in an attempt to help his resource-poor homeworld.[1]

Portrayed by Jeff Austin.


Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010 Library, Personnel, Voyager No Comments


Sister to Neelix. Alixia often went exploring with her brother. The two visited the Caves of Touth, the equatorial dust shrouds and they even hunted arctic spiders together. Alixia died along with the rest of Neelix’s family in 2356 during the Talaxian war with the Haakonian Order.[1] Neelix missed Alixia very much, and he kept a necklace that had once belonged to her.[2]

Portrayed by Robin Stapler.


  • 1. “Jetrel.” Star Trek: Voyager, Episode 115. Television. 15 May 1995.
  • 2. “Mortal Coil.” Star Trek: Voyager, Episode 180. Television. 17 December 1997.
Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010 Library, Personnel, Voyager No Comments


Alcia (VOY-138)
Alcia (VOY-138)

First Prelate of the planet Drayan II in the Delta Quadrant. Alcia supported her culture’s isolationist policy, but visited the U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656 in 2372 because she was intrigued by the lost ship’s plight.[1]

Portrayed by Marnie McPhail.


  • 1. “Innocence.” Star Trek: Voyager, Episode 138. Television. 8 April 1996.
Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010 Library, Personnel, Voyager No Comments