
Ambassador class

Ambassador class (TNG-163)Ambassador class (TNG-163)

The design of the Ambassador class, which entered service in 2325, was closely related to the Constitution class and formed the basis for the design of later vessels like the Nebula and Galaxy classes. Measuring 526 meters in length, the Ambassador class boasted six Type-8 phasers and one photon torpedo launcher. The Ambassador class had two shuttlebays: a main shuttlebay located at the rear of the engineering hull, and a secondary shuttlebay on the primary hull just above the point where it met the interconnecting dorsal. The sensor systems were concentrated in a sensor dome on the underside of the saucer directly below the main bridge, and in pallets mounted on deck 2, with the main deflector providing long range scans. Transporter emitters were located on the saucer section, and on the flanges that supported and formed the base of the nacelle pylons. The ships also featured a similar design of escape pod later used on Galaxy class vessels.[2]
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U.S.S. Al-Batani NCC-42995

Excelsior class (ST-06)

Kathryn Janeway once served aboard the Excelsior class[2] Starship Al-Batani as a science officer under the command of Captain Owen Paris.[1]

Named for Abu Abdallah Muhammed Ibn Jabir Sinan al-Batani al-Harrani (AD 858-929), one of the greatest astronomers of Islam.


Friday, July 2nd, 2010 Library, Ships, Voyager No Comments


Sword (TOS-43)
Sword (TOS-43)

Bat'leth (DS9-439)
Bat’leth (DS9-439)

Edged weapon. The Kaylar on Rigel VII used these weapons.[1] The Klingons also used swords, including a unique design called a bat’leth.[3] Humans used swords as well, including a design called a rapier used in the sport of fencing.[2]


Photon Torpedo

Self-propelled missiles consisting of a small quantity of matter and antimatter bound together in a magnetic container, used as a tactical weapon by Federation starships.[2] Photon torpedoes are the preferred weapon when a ship is at warp drive since they are not limited by the speed of light, as ship’s phasers are.[1]


  • [1]ST-01: Star Trek: The Motion Picture
  • [2]TNG-121: The Arsenal of Freedom


Type II Phaser (ST-06)
Type II Phaser (ST-06)

Energy weapons commonly used by the Federation, available in pistol, rifle, and shipboard configurations.[1]

Type I Phaser

Type I Phaser (TOS-28)
Type I Phaser (TOS-28)

Type I Phaser (TOS-45)
Type I Phaser (TOS-45)

Type I Phaser (TNG-107)
Type I Phaser (TNG-107)

Type II Phaser

Type II Phaser (TOS-54)
Type II Phaser (TOS-54)

Type II Phaser (ST-02)
Type II Phaser (ST-02)

Type II Phaser (ST-06)
Type II Phaser (ST-06)

Type II Phaser (TNG-107)
Type II Phaser (TNG-107)

Type II Phaser (ST-08)
Type II Phaser (ST-08)

Type X Phaser

Type X Phaser (TNGTM)
Type X Phaser (TNGTM)


Phaser Rifle

Phaser rifle (ST-08)
Phaser rifle (ST-08)

Phaser rifle (TOS-01)
Phaser rifle (TOS-01)

Handheld energy weapon. Captain Kirk used a Phaser Rifle when he fought Gary Mitchell on Delta Vega in 2265.[1] Also known as a Type-III Phaser.[2]



D'k'tahg (TNG-201)

Klingon knife, standard-issue to Klingon military personnel; the d’k’tahg featured a pair of retractable blades at the hilt, which could be deployed or retracted at the touch of a button.[1]


  • [1]ST-03: Star Trek III: The Wrath of Khan

Disruptor, Temporal

Temporal disruptor (VOY-218)

Weapon that existed out of temporal sync with its target until a predetermined time, at which point it detonated and disrupted the target’s molecular cohesion, resulting in a massive explosion on the atomic level.[1]


Friday, July 2nd, 2010 Library, Voyager, Weapons No Comments

Disruptor rifle

Disruptor rifle (TNG-167)
Disruptor rifle (TNG-167)

Romulan disruptor rifle (TNG-208)
Romulan disruptor rifle (TNG-208)

Rutian disruptor rifle (TNG-160)
Rutian disruptor rifle (TNG-160)

Energy beam weapon used—in various forms—by numerous species in the 22nd through 25th centuries.[1, 2, 3]



Disruptor (TNG-151)
Disruptor (TNG-151)

Disruptor (TNG-167)
Disruptor (TNG-167)

Klingon disruptor (ENT-91)
Klingon disruptor (ENT-91)

Romulan disruptor (TNG-251)
Romulan disruptor (TNG-251)

Disruptor rifle (TNG-167)
Disruptor rifle (TNG-167)

Romulan disruptor rifle (TNG-208)
Romulan disruptor rifle (TNG-208)

Rutian disruptor rifle (TNG-160)
Rutian disruptor rifle (TNG-160)

Energy beam weapon used—in various forms—by numerous species in the 22nd through 25th centuries.[1, 2, 3, 4, 6] Distruptors were commonly used in pistol,[1] rifle,[4] and shipboard[6] configurations.
