Original Series
The Talosians viewed several images of Earth animal life, including one of an antelope, while accessing the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701‘s computer.[1]
Shran (ENT-07)
Thelin (TAS-03)
Talas (ENT-89)
Esheli (STO)
These humanoid Federation members are blue-skinned in appearance and have bilateral antennae and characteristically white hair.[1] Andorians have a higher metabolism than humans[15]. Because of Andorians’ unusual physiology, intravenous injections are not possible; instead, a doctor must use intra-muscular injections.[2]
Andorian antennae are used, at least in part, for balance. An Andorian is partially disabled and unable to function immediately following the loss of an antenna, but is typically able to compensate after a day or two. Antennae can take up to nine months to regrow, although that can be completed in half the time with electrical stimulation and cranial massage therapy. Loss of antennae is a humiliating experience for an Andorian.[15] An Andorian’s antennae can also detect subtle shifts in temperature, electrical fields, and emotion.[16] The movement of an Andorian’s antennae can also indicate emotional states. An Andorian will sometimes point their antennae at a potential mate to signify attraction, though it is unclear if this is a voluntary or involuntary response.[12]
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Babcock, Barbara
Barbara Babcock (TOS-23)
- Beta-5 computer (voice).[3]
- Isis (Humanoid form).[3]
- Mea 3.[2]
- Mother (voice).[1]
- Philana.[5]
- Loskene (voice).[4]
- Zetar (voice).[6]
- 1. “The Squire of Gothos.” Star Trek, Episode 18. Television.
- 2. “A Taste of Armageddon.” Star Trek, Episode 23. Television.
- 3. “Assignment: Earth.” Star Trek, Episode 55. Television.
- 4. “The Tholian Web.” Star Trek, Episode 64. Television.
- 5. “Plato’s Stepchildren.” Star Trek, Episode 67. Television.
- 6. “The Lights of Zetar.” Star Trek, Episode 73. Television.
Arndt, John
- Crewman.[4]
- Engineer Fields.[1]
- First Crewman.[2]
- Security Guard #2.[3]
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