Malurian Zoo
The Ferengi Muk hoped to sell Porthos to this zoo, which was presumably located on Maluria.[1]
Kaana Sah
Pilgrims to the Great Plume of Agosoria performed this ritual—a taxing set of exercises, followed by four hours of prayer—during the Time of Agosoria. This particular ritual was meant to purify the body. Dr. Phlox greatly enjoyed participating.[1]
Invocation of Renewal
In 2151, Prah Mantoos offered Dr. Phlox the honor of leading the pilgrims in this incantaion, which was recited prior to the appearance of the Great Plume of Agosoria. The doctor was thrilled to take him up on the request.[1]
Festival of Moons
Risan celebration, which in 2152 was held during the Earth month of February.[1]
Interspecies Medical Exchange
A Vulcan-initiated program that facilitated the exchange of knowledge among physicians of many different species. Dr. Phlox served in the program prior to joining the crew of the Enterprise NX-01.[1] Phlox also made a human friend through the program, Dr. Jeremy Lucas.[2]
Worley Elementary School
School located in Kenmare, County Kerry, Ireland on Earth. Ms. Malvin’s fourth grade class submitted a list of questions for the Enterprise NX-01 crew, and Captain Archer and his crew recorded answers to send back to Earth. Students in the class included William Brennan, Molly McCook and Gabrielle Witty.[1]
ShirKahr Academy
A Vulcan learning institution, Tolaris taught literature at the ShirKahr Academy before leaving his position to join the V’tosh ka’tur.[1]
Amazon University
Before joining the crew of the Enterprise NX-01, Hoshi Sato taught exo-linguistics at this university.[1]
I.K.S. SamraH IKS-173
Raptor class (ENT-14)
Starfleet first encountered this ship in 2151, when the Enterprise NX-01, under the command of Captain Jonathan Archer, detected a ship trapped in the gravity well of a Class-9 gas giant. Apparently, the SamraH (often transliterated as Somraw) attempted to obtain the best concealment in the planet’s hydrogen atmosphere, got too close, and was pulled down to hull-crushing pressure depth. Enterprise crew members Hoshi Sato, Malcolm Reed and T’Pol investigated the vessel, and eventually managed to save it and its surviving crew. The Klingons, however, were anything but grateful.[1]
- 1. “Sleeping Dogs.” Star Trek: Enterprise, Episode 14. Television. 6 February 2002.
Raptor class
Raptor class (ENT-14)
Raptor class (ENT-91)
Designed for short and medium range reconnaissance missions and swift attacks, the Klingons employed these vessels to search for targets of opportunity and raid shipping lanes (which made it quite popular among Klingon pirates). Although small and lacking substantial armament, the Raptor class—or qampu in Klingon[3]—was best suited to missions calling for quick strikes. Spartan by design, the Klingons designed the class as a small, rapid attack ship capable of reconnoitering in advance of a larger attack fleet or raiding lightly-defended targets. In many ways, the Raptor class was the predecessor of the D-12 and B’rel class birds-of-prey.[2]
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