

Tholos (ENT-07)
Tholos (ENT-07)

Andorian officer. Tholos served under Shran during the incident at the P’Jem monastery[1] and on Coridan.[2]

Portrayed by Steven Dennis.


Wednesday, June 30th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments


Tavin (ENT-17)
Tavin (ENT-17)

Leader of the V’tosh ka’tur (“Vulcans without logic”) encountered by the Enterprise NX-01 in 2151. Tavin captained the starship Vahklas and was very fond of chicken marsala.[1]


  • 1. “Fusion.” Star Trek: Enterprise, Episode 17. Television. 27 February 2002.
Wednesday, June 30th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments


Tarquin (ENT-58)
Tarquin (ENT-58)

Tarquin in Human guise (ENT-58)
Tarquin in Human guise (ENT-58)

Telepathic alien male. As a telepath, Tarquin was rare among his people—the odds were one in fifty million. Telepaths were considered a threat to the greater population and sent to live in exile. Tarquin was the sole inhabitant of his planet, living in a massive sanctuary. His family gave him an object that extended the range of his telepathy, which he used to seek out unique minds. When he found such an individual, he tried to lure her to his homeworld in order for her to become his companion. His species had a very long lifespan, and he had already outlived four companions. He planned on Hoshi Sato becoming his next companion, but she refused. Tarquin aided the Enterprise NX-01 by giving Hoshi the coordinates for a Xindi colony, and expressed his hope that, one day, she would change her mind and join him.[1]


  • 1. “Exile.” Star Trek: Enterprise, Episode 58. Television. 15 October 2003.
Wednesday, June 30th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments


Leader of a faction sent to contain the mutagenic virus created by the Loque’eque. The virus had infected tens of millions of people on his homeworld.[1]


  • 1. “Extinction.” Star Trek: Enterprise, Episode 55. Television. 24 September 2003.
Wednesday, June 30th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments

T’Pol (Mirror)

T'Pol (Mirror) (ENT-94)
T’Pol (Mirror) (ENT-94)

T’Pol was the science officer aboard the I.S.S. Enterprise NX-01 under Captain Forrest. In 2155, she remained loyal to Forrest even after Jonathan Archer led a mutiny against the captain and seized control of the ship, which was later destroyed by Tholians.[1] T’Pol survived the destruction of the Enterprise, as she was aboard the U.S.S. Defiant NCC-1764, which had been transported through time and across dimensions from 2268 in the Prime timeline. She later joined forces with a rebel group composed of Vulcans, and other non-Humans who were resisting the Terran Empire and attempted to destroy the Defiant.[2]

Portrayed by Jolene Blalock.


Wednesday, June 30th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Mirror, Personnel No Comments


T'Pol (ENT-22)
T’Pol (ENT-22)

T'Pol (ENT-64)
T’Pol (ENT-64)

During her first year aboard the Enterprise NX-01, T’Pol defied her critics—Humans and Vulcans alike—who thought she wouldn’t last. She surprised the Enterprise crew on its maiden voyage when Captain Jonathan Archer was injured and she took command of the ship by continuing the mission he set out to accomplish, rather than simply returning to Earth after the Klingon courier Klaang was captured by Suliban agents.[1]
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Wednesday, June 30th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments


Surak (ENT-84)
Surak (ENT-84)

Surak (TOS-77)
Surak (TOS-77)

Philosopher considered the greatest of all who ever lived on Vulcan, the father of all which Vulcan culture holds true. In the 4th century A.D. (Earth calendar), the planet was in the grip of devastating wars and violent passions. At this time, Surak traversed a treacherous desert known as the Forge in his quest for enlightenment, and came to conclude that logic is at the heart of every Vulcan soul.[2] His teachings brought this basic truth to his people, and ushered in the great period of reformation and peace known as the Time of Awakening.[3] His writings formed the basis of Vulcan belief and philosophy, and were extensively translated and interpreted throughout history (which some believed compromised his doctrine).[2] His original, unaltered words, however, were preserved in an artifact known as the Kir’Shara, which was hidden inside the desert stronghold known as the T’Karath Sanctuary.[3]
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Wednesday, June 30th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Original Series, Personnel 1 Comment

Soval (Mirror)

Soval (Mirror) (ENT-95)
Soval (Mirror)

Soval was the tactical officer on the I.S.S. Avenger NX-09. Soval was killed when the Avenger was destroyed.[1]

Portrayed by Gary Graham.


Wednesday, June 30th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Mirror, Personnel No Comments


Soval (ENT-41)
Soval (ENT-41)

Vulcan ambassador to Earth. Soval has a somewhat stuffy, condescending attitude toward Humans, which caused problems for both Admiral Forrest and Captain Archer. As a child, Archer referred to him as “Ambassador Pointy.”[1] Soval objected to Archer taking command of the Enterprise NX-01,[1] and also blamed Archer for the destruction of the P’Jem monastery.[2]

Portrayed by Gary Graham.


Wednesday, June 30th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments


Sopek (ENT-14)
Sopek (ENT-14)

Captain of the Vulcan ship Ni’Var. Sopek and his ship were sent to take T’Pol off of the Enterprise NX-01 following the destruction of the sacred Vulcan monastery of P’Jem.[1]


Wednesday, June 30th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments