

Transporter (ENT-01-02)

Transporter (TOS-04)

Transporter (TNG-114)

Transporter Controls (ENT-86)

Transporter Controls (TOS-04)

Transporter Controls (TNG-114)

Matter teleportation device. The cycle of the transporter aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 under Captain Pike took approximately 30 seconds from the beginning of the dematerialization process to the end of the rematerialization process at the destination,[1] a dramatic improvement over the original transporter created by Emory Erickson in the 22nd century. According to Erickson, the transporter took 90 seconds, during which time he claimed he could feel himself being dematerialized.[2]



Volatile gaseous element. Tetrazine was found in the atmosphere of the Paraagan mining colony planet. The plasma exhaust from one of the Enterprise NX-01‘s shuttles appeared to ignite the tetrazine in the atmosphere, destroying the colony and killing the colonists. Further investigation revealed that the Suliban were actually responsible.[1]


Monday, July 5th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Technology No Comments

Tetracyanate 622

Industrial lubricant used by Malurian miners. The miners applied this to the drills they used to secretly extract uridium from the Akaali homeworld. The compound is toxic, and contaminated the planet’s groundwater.[1]


Monday, July 5th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Technology No Comments

Teraphasic Coils

Component of Xyrillian technology. A Xyrillian ship secretly used plasma exhaust from the Enterprise NX-01 to maintain their malfunctioning teraphasic coils. When they were discovered, Trip Tucker visited their vessel to restore the coils to working order.[1]


Monday, July 5th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Technology No Comments

Temporal Observatory

Temporal Observatory (ENT-11)
Temporal Observatory (ENT-11)

Portable virtual observatory of space-time, circa the 30th century. Daniels brought one of these with him to 2151.[1]


  • 1. “Cold Front.” Star Trek: Enterprise, Episode 11. Television. 28 November 2001.
Monday, July 5th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Technology No Comments

Subspace Amplifier

The subspace amplifier was an unmanned cylindrical buoy. In stowed form, two semicylindrical panels wrapped around a narrow lower cylinder, which was topped by a wider upper cylinder, then a dish antenna. After deployment, the panels hinged out on arms, remaining parallel to the main body, and the dish pivoted downward. As part of its mission, the Enterprise NX-01 deployed its first “subspace amplifier” in order to improve communications. The Enterprise dropped Echo II, a subspace amplifier, in a “clean launch” 100 light years from Earth, and it very quickly made contact with Echo I. Both amplifiers were later destroyed by unknown aliens. Two days travel at maximum warp got the Enterprise approximately fifteen light years, back to a position where they could relaunch another amplifier. This would imply that there was an existing comm-net extending out from Earth in the direction of the Enterprise for at least 60 light years, and possibly further.[1]


Monday, July 5th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Technology No Comments

Phasing Device

Image (CODE)

Technological device used in the 31st century that allowed the user to move through solid matter, such as conduits and bulkheads. The device fit on the index and middle fingers, and was brought to the Enterprise NX-01 in 2151 by the mysterious operative known as Daniels. Captain Archer used the device to confront Silik in the Enterprise‘s Launch Bay, but lost it in space once the bay doors were opened.[1]


Monday, July 5th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Technology No Comments


The basic building blocks of Borg assimilation, these microscopic, self-replicating robots permeate the bloodstream and carry Borg technology throughout the body. Nanoprobes attack the victim on a cellular level, latching on to the blood cells and taking over their functions, rewriting their DNA almost instantly.[2] The subject’s skin around the injection site turns gray within seconds, and develops a distinctive mottled pattern. This stage of assimilation leaves a subject passive and suggestible, paving the way for further alteration with cybernetic implants at an assimilation chamber.[1]


Methyl Oxide

Lorillian children are born able to breathe only this particular gas. There is not enough methyl oxide in certain atmospheres where Lorillians live (Rigel X, for example), so Lorillian mothers wean their children to other natural elemental vapors by age four with respirators.[1]


Monday, July 5th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Medicine, Technology No Comments


Grappler (ENT-01-02)

A retractable arm-and-cable piece of equipment attached to the Enterprise NX-01. The grappler was used to deploy equipment and to grasp and reel in objects, such as shuttles.[1]


Monday, July 5th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Technology No Comments