Kaybin Bar
According to Dr. Phlox, Denobula had many Kaybin bars, which were often open all night. Phlox informed his friend and colleague, Dr. Jeremy Lucas, that there were several along the river near Lucas’ living quarters.[1]
Treaty of Katann
The legendary Vulcan Ambassador V’Lar negotiated this treaty at Vulcana Regar. A young T’Pol approached the ambassador during a recess of the second conference to ask questions.[1]
Temporal Cold War
Mysterious conflict taking place across space-time, endangering the existing timeline. Captain Archer uncovered some information about the war when a humanoid entity from the future used the Suliban Cabal to disrupt the Klingon Empire.[1] The operative known as Daniels, who claimed to be from the 31st century, also appeared to have information on the conflict.[2]
Tau Ceti Accords
A mid-22nd century treaty between the Andorians and the Vulcans, which created borders and buffer zones between the two powers.[1]
Andorian Imperial Guard
Andorian military force. Jonathan Archer and members of his crew were taken prisoner by the Imperial Guard in 2151 when the Andorians, led by Shran, suspected the Vulcans of hiding a sensor array in the sacred temple at P’Jem.[1]
Members of Zobral‘s social caste were onced force to wear these to signify their low social standing. Yrotts were burned in celebration of the caste system being abolished. The word also meant “to stand apart.”[1]
V’tosh Ka’tur
Tolaris, a member of the V’tosh ka’tur (ENT-17)
Vulcan phrase that translated to “Vulcans without logic.” This name was given by Vulcan elders to those who disagreed with the ancestral teachings. A group of V’tosh ka’tur was encountered by the Enterprise NX-01 in 2151. One of their group, Tavin, believed the “Vulcans without logic” label to be inaccurate; he claimed that they successfully integrated emotion and logic.[1]
- 1. “Fusion.” Star Trek: Enterprise, Episode 17. Television. 27 February 2002.
Teachings of Surak
The Kir’Shara (ENT-85)
Collection of writings by the legendary Vulcan philosopher Surak. T’Pol gave Captain Archer the complete unabridged translation in order to help the captain relax on his vacation.[1] Several years later, Surak’s original writings were uncovered in the form of the Kir’Shara, a holographic record created by Surak himself prior to his death.[2]
- 1. “Two Days and Two Nights.” Star Trek: Enterprise, Episode 25. Television. 15 May 2002.
- 2. “Kir’Shara.” Star Trek: Enterprise, Episode 85. Television. 3 December 2004.
Sweet Spot
The location on a starship where artificial gravity is not fully effective, resulting in a localized zero-G environment. The sweet spot was usually about halfway between the grav-generator and the bow plate. Space boomer Travis Mayweather enjoyed sitting in the Enterprise NX-01‘s sweet spot.[1]
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