Archive for June, 2010


Loomis (ENT-63)
Loomis (ENT-63)

Blood bank worker in Detroit, Michigan in the early 21st Century. Loomis became entangled in the Xindi plot to build a bio-weapon in 2004. He agreed to bring them one human for each of the eight blood types, providing the Xindi with valuable information. He was paid for his efforts, though he was never aware of the exact nature of his employers. T’Pol and Archer, having been sent back in time by Daniels, used him to apprehend the Xindi-Reptilians.[1]


Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments


Liana (ENT-20)
Liana (ENT-20)

Kantare. Daughter of Ezral; the two were the only survivors of a crash landing after an ion storm disabled their ship. Liana was a child at the time of the crash, and her father left his post to save her. Feeling guilty, he would go on to create holograms of the dead crew to keep Liana company as she grew up. Liana revealed her father’s scheme to the crew of the Enterprise NX-01 when they discovered the shipwreck and offered assistance. She also formed a somewhat romantic bond with “Trip” Tucker, who gave her a tour of the Enterprise and introduced her to the wonder of ice cream.[1]


  • 1. “Oasis.” Star Trek: Enterprise, Episode 20. Television. 3 April 2002.
Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments

Leonard, Daniel

Dan Leonard (ENT-01-02)
Dan Leonard (ENT-01-02)

Starfleet Admiral Daniel Leonard was involved with negotiations with the Vulcans following the discovery of the Klingon courier Klaang in Broken Bow, Oklahoma. Leonard mistakenly referred to the species as “Klingot.”[1]

Portrayed by Jim Beaver.


  • 1. “Broken Bow.” Star Trek: Enterprise, Episodes 01-02. Television. 26 September 2001.
Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments

Latrelle, Mark

Mark Latrelle (ENT-12)
Mark Latrelle (ENT-12)

Starfleet lieutenant and long-time friend of Enterprise NX-01‘s Malcolm Reed. Hoshi Sato contacted Latrelle in an attempt to learn what Reed’s favorite food was, so that she could prepare it for his birthday. Latrelle only remembered that Reed was very fond of a particular seafood restaurant in San Francisco. Reed, however, disliked seafood—he was more interested in a waitress named Maureen.[1]


Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments


Larr (ENT-13)
Larr (ENT-13)

Menk medical orderly. Larr assisted the Enterprise NX-01‘s Dr. Phlox, Hoshi Sato and Elizabeth Cutler when they attended a Menk village to run some tests in hopes of coming up with a cure for the deadly disease plaguing the Valakians. It was Larr who convinced Sato and Cutler that the Menk were more intelligent than they were given credit for—he picked up some English simply by listening to the crewmembers converse, and organized blood samples in a sophisticated way.[1]


Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments


Kuulan (ENT-20)
Kuulan (ENT-20)

Captain of a Kantare vessel that crash-landed far from the Kantare home planet during an ion storm. Kuulan died in the crash, but survivor Ezral created holographic versions of Kuulan and the rest of the crew in order to keep the only other survivor, Ezral’s daughter, company.[1]


  • 1. “Oasis.” Star Trek: Enterprise, Episode 20. Television. 3 April 2002.
Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments


Krem (ENT-19)
Krem (ENT-19)

Cowardly cousin of the Ferengi thief Ulis, whose ship raided the Enterprise NX-01, rendering the crew unconscious. Captain Jonathan Archer, who woke up while the Ferengi were still aboard, convinced Krem that Ulis wasn’t treating him fairly. Later, T’Pol managed to fell Krem via some oo-mox—and a Vulcan nerve pinch. In the end, Archer allowed Krem to take command of Ulis’ ship, and Krem took off with the other thieves in shackles.[1]

Portrayed by Jeffrey Combs.


Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments


Kov (ENT-17)
Kov (ENT-17)

Vulcan engineer who served on the Vahklas. Kov was a member of the V’tosh ka’tur, or “Vulcans without logic.” His people sought to find a balance between logic and emotion. When the V’tosh ka’tur encountered the Enterprise NX-01, Kov, who was fascinated by Human culture, became close friends with Commander “Trip” Tucker. Tucker educated Kov about Human behavior, and even persuaded him to contact his estranged, ailing father.[1]


  • 1. “Fusion.” Star Trek: Enterprise, Episode 17. Television. 27 February 2002.
Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments


Koss (ENT-83)
Koss (ENT-83)

Vulcan male. Koss was an architect, and was betrothed to T’Pol during childhood. Before T’Pol was assigned to the Enterprise NX-01, she and Koss had met only four times. Because marrying Koss would have forced T’Pol to leave her post, she broke the engagement in 2151.[1] T’Pol was pressured to marry Koss three years later, and did so in exchange for her mother, T’Les, regaining her teaching position at the Vulcan Science Academy.[2] The marriage was short-lived, however, as Koss released T’Pol from their marriage following the death of T’Les during the Syrannite incident in late 2154, acknowledging that the only reason T’Pol had married him was for her mother’s benefit, a reason which no longer existed.[3]


Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments


An associate of Quark‘s attending an auction of Gamma Quadrant objet d’art collected by Vash. Kolos paid 36 bars of gold-pressed latinum for a statue and bid 3,000 bars for another item.[1]


  • 1. “Q-Less.” Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Episode 407. Television. 8 February 1993.
Sunday, June 27th, 2010 DS9, Library, Personnel No Comments