Archive for June, 2010


Dee'Ahn (female) (ENT-25)
Dee’Ahn (female) (ENT-25)

Dee'Ahn (male) (ENT-25)
Dee’Ahn (male) (ENT-25)

Dee’Ahn was a lovely female who flirted with “Trip” Tucker and Malcolm Reed during their shore leave on Risa in 2151. Dee’Ahn and “her” companion, Latia, turned out to be male alien thieves in disguise—they robbed Trip and Reed, leaving the officers tied up in the basement of a Risan night club.[1]

Portrayed by Donnamarie Recco (female) and Geoff Meed (male)


Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments

Dax, Ezri

Ezri Dax (DS9-551)
Ezri Dax (DS9-551)

Ezri Dax served as a counselor aboard Deep Space Nine, prior to becoming first officer of the Defiant. Ezri was a Trill, joined to the Dax symbiont.[21] Dax, formerly Ezri Tigan, was born on New Sydney. Her mother was a successful mining magnate, and she and Ezri disagreed on many occasions. Her father was often absent—Ezri believed it was because he couldn’t bear to be around his wife. Ezri’s closest family member was her brother, Norvo, while her older brother, Janel, was someone she looked up to. Ezri dreamed constantly of ways to escape her family, and eventually managed to do so by joining Starfleet.[9]

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Sunday, June 27th, 2010 DS9, Library, Personnel No Comments

Darwin, Frank

A promising worker who turned down a spot at Starfleet Academy to accept an enlisted posting to the U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656, Crewman Frank Darwin was beaten to death by Crewman Suder for looking at him “the wrong way.”[1]


  • 1. “Meld.” Star Trek: Voyager, Episode 133. Television. 5 February 1996.
Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Library, Personnel, Voyager No Comments


Darnell (TOS-05)
Darnell (TOS-05)

Crewman Darnell was a science officer aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 in 2365. He was killed by the M-113 creature during a landing party mission. Darnell’s death was not in vain, however, since his colleagues were alerted to the presence of the creature.[1]

Portrayed by Michael Zaslow.


Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Library, Original Series, Personnel No Comments


Danik (ENT-21)
Danik (ENT-21)

Danik was a Suliban male imprisoned in the Tandarans’ Dentention Complex 26 with his daughter, Narra. His grandfather had settled on Tandar Prime, and Danik was the Director of Research for an engineering institute in Querella Province before being imprisoned. In 2152, Captain Jonathan Archer convinced Danik and his fellow Suliban prisoners to escape from the Detention Complex.[1]


  • 2. “Detained.” Star Trek: Enterprise, Episode 21. Television. 24 April 2002.
Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments


Damrus (ENT-18)
Damrus (ENT-18)

Leader of a Eska hunting party encountered on the rogue planet Dakala by Captain Jonathan Archer and his crew in 2251.[1]


Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments

Dalby, Kenneth

Kenneth Dalby (VOY-116)
Kenneth Dalby (VOY-116)

Kenneth Dalby spent his troubled youth on the Bajoran frontier, settling down for a time when he fell in love. His anger returned when the woman he loved was raped and murdered by Cardassians, and he joined the Maquis. Shortly after the U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656 and Chakotay‘s Maquis ship was lost in the Delta Quadrant, he became regarded as a disruptive and unreliable worker. He constantly clashed with Tuvok during a field-training class, but fell into line after Tuvok risked his life to save Crewman Gerron.[1]

Portrayed by Armand Schultz.


Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Library, Personnel, Voyager No Comments


D'Marr (ENT-20)
D’Marr (ENT-20)

A trader who dined aboard the Enterprise NX-01 in 2151, D’Marr informed the crew about a crashed Kantare vessel in exchange for ten kilos of coffee.[1]


  • 1. “Oasis.” Star Trek: Enterprise, Episode 20. Television. 3 April 2002.
Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments


D'Amato (TOS-69)
D’Amato (TOS-69)

Lieutenant D’Amato participated in the search for the crashed Shuttlecraft Galileo on the surface of Taurus II in 2266.[1] In 2268, Lieutenant D’Amato was part of a landing party from the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 that became stranded on a Kalandan Outpost when the starship was thrown several light years away from the planetoid. D’Amato specialized in geology and was assigned to the landing party to survey the unusual planet, the vegetation of which was extraordinarily evolved in comparison with the age of the world. It was later discovered that the planet’s landscape was artificially created by the Kalandans, who were wiped out when they accidentally created a deadly microorganism. D’Amato, however, perished before this discovery was made—he was killed by contact with the computer-replicated image of the last surviving Kalandan, Losira. Her deadly touch killed by matching the victim’s chromosome pattern, causing individual cells to explode from within.[2]

Portrayed by Arthur Batanides.


Sunday, June 27th, 2010 Library, Original Series, Personnel No Comments

Kirk, James T.

James T. Kirk (ST-06)
James T. Kirk (ST-06)

James T. Kirk (ST-05)
James T. Kirk (ST-05)

James T. Kirk (ST-03)
James T. Kirk (ST-03)

James T. Kirk (ST-01)
James T. Kirk (ST-01)

James T. Kirk (TOS-15)
James T. Kirk (TOS-15)

James T. Kirk (TOS-05)
James T. Kirk (TOS-05)

James T. Kirk (TOS-01)
James T. Kirk (TOS-01)

Young James T. Kirk (TAS-22)
Young James T. Kirk (TAS-22)

Young James T. Kirk (ST-11)
Young James T. Kirk (ST-11)

James T. Kirk mutated (TAS-13)
James T. Kirk mutated (TAS-13)

James T. Kirk disguised as a Romulan (TOS-59)
James T. Kirk disguised as a Romulan (TOS-59)

James T. Kirk disguised as a Nazi (TOS-52)
James T. Kirk disguised as a Nazi (TOS-52)

James T. Kirk disguised as an Iotian (TOS-49)
James T. Kirk disguised as an Iotian (TOS-49)

James Tiberius Kirk was one of the most celebrated captains in the history of Starfleet, and his exploits became required reading at Starfleet Academy. Kirk spent most of his life in Starfleet, from the age of 17 when he entered Starfleet Academy until his death in the 24th century, saving the Veridian star system.[36]
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