
The fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance!

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TOS #009 Cover

  • Stardate Unknown
  • Released March 1983

A dark plan has been unleashed in the galaxy, a design so vast, only a collective – and ruthless – mind like the Totality could have conceived it. Now, Captain Kirk must battle the seductive force of the Totality’s will.

It was reasonable that Captain Kirk and Federation Free Agent Sola Than would fall in love. But no reasoning in the universe could have foreseen the tragedy of Spock‘s own passion for the same woman.

Now this unimaginable conflict could cost Captain Kirk his very soul, and bring death to the proud Vulcan. But in the inimaginable lies their only chance, and the freedom of the galaxy depends on the outcome of the…


Written by Sondra Marshak and Myrna Culbreath


Guest Cast:


The holo-spaces above the console filled with two life-size figures stranded on two separate ledges divided by a chasm too wide to jump – and by a slowly rising flow of lava which eroded their ledges.

The Human figure – Kirk – was only partly conscious. But the Vulcan was fully conscious of his helpessness.

“So there it is, my dear,” Soljenov said. “You may save one of them, but only one, by bonding with him. Bonded, you might bring him through the Focal Field alive.

Sola Thane looked from Kirk to Spock, from Spock to Kirk. It was in her hands now. Her choice – with finality.

Friday, August 28th, 2009 Books, Logs, Original Series

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