U.S.S. Prometheus NX-74913

U.S.S. Prometheus NX-74913 (VOY-181)
U.S.S. Prometheus NX-74913

Prometheus and Nebula classes (VOY-181)
Prometheus and Nebula classes (VOY-181)

Prometheus class. Prototype of the line. Seized by Romulan forces, but recovered by Starfleet.[1] Part of task force that intercepted a Borg sphere during the Starship Voyager‘s return to the Alpha Quadrant.[2] NOTE: the registry numbers on the bridge set graphics and the ship model did not match; this listing reflects the number on the bridge graphics, as the hull number is far too low for a ship constructed in the late 2370s.


Monday, March 15th, 2010 Library, Ships, Voyager

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