
Disruptor, Temporal

Temporal disruptor (VOY-218)

Weapon that existed out of temporal sync with its target until a predetermined time, at which point it detonated and disrupted the target’s molecular cohesion, resulting in a massive explosion on the atomic level.[1]


Friday, July 2nd, 2010 Library, Voyager, Weapons No Comments

Disruptor rifle

Disruptor rifle (TNG-167)
Disruptor rifle (TNG-167)

Romulan disruptor rifle (TNG-208)
Romulan disruptor rifle (TNG-208)

Rutian disruptor rifle (TNG-160)
Rutian disruptor rifle (TNG-160)

Energy beam weapon used—in various forms—by numerous species in the 22nd through 25th centuries.[1, 2, 3]



Disruptor (TNG-151)
Disruptor (TNG-151)

Disruptor (TNG-167)
Disruptor (TNG-167)

Klingon disruptor (ENT-91)
Klingon disruptor (ENT-91)

Romulan disruptor (TNG-251)
Romulan disruptor (TNG-251)

Disruptor rifle (TNG-167)
Disruptor rifle (TNG-167)

Romulan disruptor rifle (TNG-208)
Romulan disruptor rifle (TNG-208)

Rutian disruptor rifle (TNG-160)
Rutian disruptor rifle (TNG-160)

Energy beam weapon used—in various forms—by numerous species in the 22nd through 25th centuries.[1, 2, 3, 4, 6] Distruptors were commonly used in pistol,[1] rifle,[4] and shipboard[6] configurations.



Crossbow (ENT-09)

Simple projectile weapon, which shoots small arrows via a tensile string much like a traditional bow, but has a lock and trigger mechanism. Crossbows were in use on the Akaali homeworld when it was visited in 2151 by the Enterprise NX-01.[1]


Friday, July 2nd, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Weapons No Comments


Bat'leth (DS9-439)

Traditional Klingon edged weapon.[1] Legend held that Kahless forged the original bat’leth from a lock of his hair, which he dipped in a river of molten lava after seeing the sword in a dream.[2]


Friday, July 2nd, 2010 DS9, Klingon, Library, Next Generation, STO, Weapons No Comments


Edged weapon. The Kaylar on Rigel VII used these weapons.[1]


Antimatter spread

Antimatter spread (TNG-175)

In 2366, the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D used an antimatter spread to confuse the sensors of a Borg cube that was attacking the Federation.[1]


  • [1]TNG-175: The Best of Both Worlds, Part II
Friday, July 2nd, 2010 Library, Next Generation, Weapons No Comments