

Icheb and Naomi Wildman (VOY-257)
Icheb and Naomi Wildman (VOY-257)

Lieutenant Commander Icheb (STO)
Lieutenant Commander Icheb (STO)


V257 Timeline

In 2394, in an alternate future where the U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656 had not yet returned from the Delta Quadrant, Icheb had become a ranking officer aboard the ship.[2]

STO Timeline

In 2409, Icheb was assigned to Deep Space K-7.[3]


Saturday, June 12th, 2010 Games, Library, Personnel, STO, Voyager No Comments

U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656

U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656 (VOY-101-102)
U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656 (VOY-101-102)

Intrepid (II) class (VOY-101-102)
Intrepid (II) class (VOY-101-102)

Intrepid (II) class (VOY-120)
Intrepid (II) class (VOY-120)

The Intrepid (II) class Starship Voyager was launched in 2370 under the command of Captain Kathryn Janeway, and was stranded in the Delta Quadrant—some 70,000 light years from Earth—by an entity known as the Caretaker on Stardate 48316.1. Captain Janeway invited the similarly stranded crew of a destroyed Maquis vessel—which Voyager had been pursuing when it was pulled across the galaxy—to join the crew, and asked the Maquis commander, Chakotay, to serve as her first officer, succeeding the late Lieutenant Commander Cavit, who died in the violent transgalactic transit, and other members of the Maquis crew filled the positions of other Voyager crew members who had perished,[1] including B’Elanna Torres, who took over as Voyager‘s chief of Engineering.[2]
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Wednesday, April 7th, 2010 Library, Ships, Voyager No Comments


Aeroshuttle (VOY-101-102)
Aeroshuttle (VOY-101-102)



  • 1. “Caretaker.” Star Trek: Voyager, Episodes 101-102. Television. 16 January 1995.
Thursday, March 25th, 2010 Library, Ships, Voyager No Comments


Aeon (VOY-150)
Aeon (VOY-150)

Aeon (VOY-151)
Aeon (VOY-151)

A one-man 29th-century Federation timeship, named for the Greek word for “age” or “lifetime,” the Aeon is about six meters long, black in color, which emits a graviton-matrix rift for time travel and has an emergency beam-out system. The Aeon is also equipped with subatomic disruptor weapons. The Aeon, commanded by Captain Braxton, made a trip to 2373 and attempted to destroy the USS Voyager NCC-74656, for presumably causing a temporal disruption that would destroy Earth‘s solar system in the 29th century. The ensuing encounter led to the Aeon crash-landing on Earth in 1967 and being appropriated by Henry Starling, who used its technology to initiate the computer revolution on Earth and make a huge fortune for himself.[1]
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Thursday, March 25th, 2010 Library, Ships, Voyager No Comments

U.S.S. Carolina NCC-42050

Centaur class (DS9-525)
Centaur class (DS9-525)

The Centaur class[2] Starship Carolina was on active service in the late 24th century.[3] In the late 2370s, the Carolina was commanded by Captain Peterson; in 2377, Admiral Owen Paris ordered the ship to intercept a Ferengi D’Kora class marauder, which was interfering with the efforts of the Pathfinder Project to communicate with the U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656.[1]


Saturday, March 20th, 2010 Books, Games, Library, Ships, Voyager No Comments

U.S.S. Gage NCC-11672

Apollo class (Legacy)
Apollo Class (Legacy)

The Apollo class[4] Starship Gage saw service in the 24th century.[1] In 2366, Chakotay transferred to the Gage after four years of fighting the Cardassians.[5]

A year later, in 2367, the Gage and 38 other starships — including the U.S.S. Kyushu NCC-65491 and the U.S.S. Melbourne NCC-62043 — were deployed under Admiral J.P. Hanson to confront the Borg in what came to be known as the Battle of Wolf 359;[1, 2] the Gage and all but one vessel were destroyed.[3]


Tuesday, March 16th, 2010 DS9, Games, Library, Next Generation, Ships, Voyager No Comments

U.S.S. Exeter NCC-26531

Ambassador class (TNG-163)
Ambassador class (TNG-163)

Ambassador class.[2] Tom Paris served aboard the Exeter prior to his incarceration at the New Zealand Penal Settlement.[1] Part of the Ninth Fleet stationed at Deep Space 9 during the Dominion War.[2]


Monday, March 15th, 2010 Games, Library, Ships, Voyager No Comments

U.S.S. Prometheus NX-74913

U.S.S. Prometheus NX-74913 (VOY-181)
U.S.S. Prometheus NX-74913

Prometheus and Nebula classes (VOY-181)
Prometheus and Nebula classes (VOY-181)

Prometheus class. Prototype of the line. Seized by Romulan forces, but recovered by Starfleet.[1] Part of task force that intercepted a Borg sphere during the Starship Voyager‘s return to the Alpha Quadrant.[2] NOTE: the registry numbers on the bridge set graphics and the ship model did not match; this listing reflects the number on the bridge graphics, as the hull number is far too low for a ship constructed in the late 2370s.
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Monday, March 15th, 2010 Library, Ships, Voyager No Comments

U.S.S. Spector NCC-63015

Akira class (ST-08)
Akira class (ST-08)

The Akira class[2] Starship Spector participated in the recovery of the prototype U.S.S. Prometheus NX-74913, which had been seized by Romulan forces.[1, 2]


Sunday, March 14th, 2010 Games, Library, Ships, Voyager No Comments

S.S. Raven NAR-32450

Aerie class
S.S. Raven (VOY-212)

S.S. Raven
S.S. Raven (VOY-174)

Aerie class.[4]


Sunday, March 14th, 2010 Games, Library, Ships, Voyager No Comments