Pon Farr
Name of the Vulcan mating cycle. Every seven years, the adult Vulcan undergoes an extreme and erratic physical and psychological imbalance, which can be fatal if the mating ritual is not carried out.[1] When Spock underwent pon farr in 2267, the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 journeyed to Vulcan, where his betrothed mate chose another champion to fight for her—Captain Kirk. Only after McCoy deceived Spock by injecting Kirk with a substance that simulated death did Spock return to his normal, logical demeanor.[1] Certain agents have been known to accelerate the pon farr. For example, T’Pol found herself undergoing the pon farr prematurely after being exposed to foreign microbes on an away mission in 2153.[2]
Common medical implement used to deliver medication to a patient subcutaneously by using an extremely fine, high-pressure aerosuspension delivery system. Hypospray technology was more hygienic in that it eliminated the need for a needle to physically penetrate the skin.[1]
Dermal Regenerator
Dermal Regenerator (TNG-197)
Medical device that regrew damaged, dead, or missing tissue. The Trill ambassador, Odan, used a dermal regenerator on himself in an attempt to treat severe tissue damage prior to his host’s death in 2367.[1]
- 1. “The Host.” Star Trek: The Next Generation, Episode 197. Television. 13 May 1991.
Biosensor Array
Biosensor Array (TNG-182)
Medical scanning device. The biosensor array automatically scans the sickbay environment to aid medical personnel in their duties.[1]
- 1. “Encounter at Farpoint.” Star Trek: The Next Generation, Episodes 101-102. Television. 28 September 1987.
Biobeds (TNG-103)
Biobeds (ST-02)
Medical device. The biobed automatically scans and displays a patient’s vital signs to aid medical personnel in their duties.[1]
- 1. “Where No Man Has Gone Before.” Star Trek, Episode 01. Television. 22 September 1966.
United States of America
Formed in 1776, the United States of America was originally composed of thirteen colonies that rebelled against the British Empire on Earth. The Talosians viewed several images of Human history, including several focused on the United States, while accessing the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701‘s computer.[1] By the mid-21st century, the United States had expanded to 52 states.[2]
United Federation of Planets
UFP Seal (ST-09)
UFP Seal (ST-03)
UFP Pennant (TOS-60)
Interstellar political union. Member worlds included Earth and Vulcan. The U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 was part of the Federation’s Starfleet.[2] By 2373, there were more than 150 member worlds.[1]
Member Worlds
- Aaamazzara[3]
- Ajilon Prime[3]
- Aldebaran III[3]
- Alpha III[3]
- Alpha V[3]
- Alpha Centauri (aka Centaurus)[3]
- Altair IV[3]
- Andoria (aka Andor)[3]
- Angosia III[3]
- Antares IV[3]
- Antede III[3]
- Antica[3]
- Antos IV[3]
- Arbazan[3]
- Archanis IV[3]
- Arcturus[3]
- Ardana[3]
- Argelius II[3]
- Ariannus[3]
- Arvada III[3]
- Astral V[3]
- Atrea IV[3]
- Aurelia[3]
- Axanar[3]
- Ba’ku[3]
- Barisa Prime[3]
- Beltane IX[3]
- Benecia Colony[3]
- Benzar[3]
- Berengaria VII[3]
- Beta Agni II[3]
- Beta VI[3]
- Betazed[3]
- Betelgeuse[3]
- Beth Delta I (New Manhattan)[3]
- Bilana III[3]
- Bilaren[3]
- Blue Horizon[3]
- Bolarus IX[3]
- Boradis III[3]
- Braslota[3]
- Bre’el IV[3]
- Browder IV[3]
- Cairn[3]
- Caldos IV[3]
- Campor II[3]
- Canopus II[3]
- Carema III[3]
- Casperia Prime[3]
- Catualla[3]
- Cerberus[3]
- Cestus III[3]
- Coltar IV[3]
- Coridan[3]
- Corvan II[3]
- Cygnet XIV[3]
- Cygnia Minor[3]
- Daliwaka[3]
- Dalvos Prime[3]
- Danula II[3]
- Delb II[3]
- Delos IV[3]
- Delta IV[3]
Member Worlds
- Delta Rana IV[3]
- Deneb II (Deneb Kaitos)[3]
- Deneb IV (Alpha Cygni)[3]
- Deneb V (Deneb Kaitos)[3]
- Deneva[3]
- Doraf I[3]
- Dramia[3]
- Dulisian IV[3]
- Earth (Sol III)[3]
- Earth Colony II[3]
- Elas[3]
- Elaysia[3]
- Epsilon Canaris III[3]
- Evora[3]
- Fendaus V[3]
- Galen IV[3]
- Gallima[3]
- Galor IV[3]
- Gaspar VII[3]
- Gault[3]
- Gideon[3]
- Grazer[3]
- Hakton VII[3]
- Hanolan[3]
- Hekaras II[3]
- Hurada III[3]
- Hurkos III[3]
- Iadora Colony[3]
- Icor IX[3]
- Inferna Prime[3]
- Ivor Prime[3]
- Jouret IV (New Providence)[3]
- K’Normia[3]
- Kaldra IV[3]
- Kaleb IV[3]
- Kenda II[3]
- Kessik III[3]
- Kessik IV[3]
- Klaestron IV[3]
- Korat[3]
- Lunar Colonies (Sol IIIa)[3]
- Lyshan[3]
- Makus III[3]
- Manzar Colony[3]
- Marcos XII[3]
- Mariposa[3]
- Mars (Sol IV)[3]
- Melona IV[3]
- Merak II[3]
- Midos V[3]
- Minos Korva[3]
- Moab VI (Genome Colony)[3]
- Modean[3]
- MS 1 Colony[3]
- Nahmi IV[3]
- Napea[3]
- Nehru Colony[3]
- New France[3]
- New Gaul[3]
- New Halana[3]
- New Paris[3]
- Nivoch[3]
- Norkan Outposts[3]
- Norpin IV[3]
- Norpin V[3]
Member Worlds
- O’Ryan’s Planet[3]
- Oceanus IV[3]
- Omicron Ceti III[3]
- Omicron Theta[3]
- Ophiuchus III[3]
- Pacifica[3]
- Pallas XIV (Mantilles / Alondra)[3]
- Peliar Zel[3]
- Pentaurus II[3]
- Pentaurus III[3]
- Pentaurus V[3]
- Penthara IV (New Seattle)[3]
- Persephone V[3]
- Planet Q[3]
- Qualor II[3]
- Ramatis III[3]
- Regulus III[3]
- Regulus V[3]
- Rhaandar[3]
- Rigel II[3]
- Rigel IV[3]
- Rigel V[3]
- Rigel VI[3]
- Rigel X[3]
- Risa[3]
- Ronara[3]
- Saltok IV[3]
- Sauria[3]
- Sherman’s Planet[3]
- Sirius IX[3]
- Solarion IV[3]
- Spica[3]
- Taranko Colony[3]
- Tarchannen III[3]
- Tarsus IV[3]
- Tau Ceti III[3]
- Tavela Minor[3]
- Tellar[3]
- Tendara Colony[3]
- Terellia (aka Terrellia)[3]
- Terra Nova[3]
- Terratin (aka Terra 10, Verdanis)[3]
- Tessen III[3]
- Thanatos VII[3]
- Theta VII[3]
- Trillius Prime (aka Trill)[3]
- Triona[3]
- Troyius[3]
- Tyree[3]
- Tyrellia[3]
- Umoth VIII[3]
- Vega Colony (Vega IX)[3]
- Vico V[3]
- Vulcan[3]
- Yridia Prime[3]
- Zadar IV[3]
- Zakdorn[3]
- Zalda[3]
- Zytchin III[3]
- 1. Star Trek: First Contact. Film. 22 November 1996.
- 2. “Flesh of My Flesh.” Star Trek: Early Voyages, Issue 1. Comic Book. Marvel Comics. February 1997.
- 3. Star Trek Star Charts. Book. Pocket Books. October 2002.
Starfleet Headquarters seal (ST-01)
Paramilitary exploratory and defensive organization of the United Federation of Planets.[1] It was virtually identical to the Earth Starfleet in structure.[2]
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Bioship (VOY-168)
The Undine[2] (aka Species 8472) used this type of organic starship. Bioships were able to regenerate damaged systems, and were equipped with powerful energy weapons. In 2373, the Undine used this kind of ship to invade our universe. The crew of the U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656 came up with a way to destroy the bioships—by infusing Starfleet photon torpedoes with Borg technology.[1]
- 1. “Scorpion.” Star Trek: Voyager, Episode 168. Television. 21 May 1997.
- 2. Star Trek Online. Game. 2010. Cryptic Studios.
U.S.S. Billings
Kathryn Janeway and Tuvok served together on this ship shortly after Janeway had been promoted to commander. During her tenure on the Billings, Janeway sent an away team to survey a volcanic moon—three members of the away team ended up critically injured. Feeling guilty, Janeway went on to complete the survey herself.[1] Named for the city in central Montana.
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