Original Series


Isak (TOS-52)

Humanoids from the outermost world in the M43 Alpha system. The end of the Zeon race nearly occured in 2267 when the interference of Federation cultural observer John Gill caused Ekos to mimic the 1930’s Human culture of Nazi Germany and pursue a campaign of genocide against the Zeons. Only the intervention of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 stopped this potential mass murder. The Zeons were almost indistinguishable from Terrans.[1]

Notable Zeons:


Sunday, July 11th, 2010 Library, Original Series, Xenology No Comments

Water Buffalo

Water Buffalo (TOS-00)

The Talosians viewed several images of Earth animal life, including one of a water buffalo, while accessing the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701‘s computer in the 2250s.[1]


Talosian Specimens

Talosian Specimen (TOS-00)

Talosian Specimen (TOS-00)

The Talosians kept a zoo full of “descendants of life brought back long ago from all over [their] part of the galaxy.” These specimens included a primate-like creature and an avian-humanoid creature. It is unclear if they were sentient. The Talosians attempted to add Humans to their menagerie when the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 visited Talos IV.[1]



Talosians (TOS-00)
Talosians (TOS-00)

The Talosians were a humanoid species native to Talos IV and possessed enormous brains “three times the size” of average humanoids, according to U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 Science Officer Spock. Veins in their heads would throb when using their telepathic abilities. According to Dr. Philip Boyce, “Their power of illusion is so great, we can’t be sure of anything we do, or anything we see.” The Talosians lived underground, and according to Vina, over the centuries following the near-destruction of their world in a nuclear war, the Talosians forgot how to repair the machines left behind by their ancestors, while concentrating on developing their mental abilities. They couldn’t read through “primitive” emotional states, such as anger. The Talosians also kept a zoo full of “descendants of life brought back long ago from all over [their] part of the galaxy.” These specimens included a primate-like creature and a avian-humanoid creature when Captain Christopher Pike was held by the Talosians in the 2250s. It was unclear if these creatures were sentient.[1]

Notable Talosians


Regulan Bloodworms

These “soft and shapeless” creatures[1] were very useful for filtering toxins from humanoids. Dr. Phlox carried a supply aboard the Enterprise NX-01, but he preferred the fresh ones from Regulus. When Travis Mayweather was given an antigenic compound that caused a bad reaction, Phlox suggested using blood worms to filter out the toxins.[2]


  • [1]TOS-42: The Trouble With Tribbles
  • [2]ENT-25: Two Days and Two Nights


Orion female (ENT-80)
Orion female (ENT-80)

Orion male (ENT-93)
Orion male (ENT-93)

Slave traders who dealt in “green animal women.”[1] The supposed “animal” nature of Orion women, however, was discovered to be a pretense by the Enterprise NX-01 in 2154; Orion women produced extremely powerful pheromones, which they were able to use to disable Human women and make men—both Human and Orion—susceptible to suggestion. Vulcan women were apparently immune, while Denobulan men were sent into an unnatural sleep cycle.[3] Orion territory was located adjacent to the Klingon Empire, and the region where Klingon and Orion territory met was known as the Borderland.[2]

Notable Orions:



Kaylar (CODE)

The Rigellian warrior caste,[1] the Kaylar wore furs, armor, and leather clothing when they were encountered by Captain Pike and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 in the 2250s. Their weapons included swords, morning stars, axes, spears, and shields.[1]



Jonathan Archer (ENT-31)
Jonathan Archer (ENT-31)

James T. Kirk (TOS-05)
James T. Kirk (TOS-05)

Jean-Luc Picard (TNG-165)
Jean-Luc Picard (TNG-165)

Benjamin Sisko (DS9-541)
Benjamin Sisko (DS9-541)

Kathryn Janeway (ST-10)
Kathryn Janeway (ST-10)

Species originating on Earth. According to the Talosians in the 2250s, “The customs and history of [Humans] show[s] a unique hatred of captivity. Even when it’s pleasant and benevolent, [they] prefer death. This makes [them] too violent and dangerous a species for [the Talosians’] needs.” The Talosians had scanned the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701‘s databanks, and had gleaned quite a bit of information about Human history.[1]



Axanar (ENT-03)
Axanar (ENT-03)

Methane-breathing species. Jonathan Archer‘s crew discovered a ship full of Axanar bodies drained of their triglobulin-rich bodily fluid. An Axanari ship later saved the Enterprise NX-01 from an attack by the same parasitic species that killed their people. After helping the Axanar recover their dead crewmen, the Enterprise crew spent some time on the Axanar homeworld.[1]


Wednesday, July 7th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Original Series, Xenology No Comments

Augments, Human

Khan Noonien Singh (TOS-24)

Malik (ENT-80)

Augments (ENT-81)

The result of late-20th century experiments in genetic engineering on Earth.[1]

Notable Human Augments:


Wednesday, July 7th, 2010 DS9, Enterprise, Library, Original Series, STO, Xenology No Comments