Original Series


Alfa-117 (TOS-04)
Alfa-117 (TOS-04)

Class-M planet geo-surveyed by the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 on stardate 1672.1, when a transporter malfunction trapped Lieutenant Sulu‘s landing party on the surface overnight during freezing cold that left some suffering severe frostbite.[1]


Friday, July 16th, 2010 Library, Original Series, Places No Comments

Aldebaran III

Longtime Federation member planet on which Janet and Theodore Wallace performed experiments using carbohydrate compounds to slow the aging of plants.[1] Grand Nagus Zek‘s nephew Belongo was once detained on Aldebaran III by Starfleet.[2]


Friday, July 16th, 2010 DS9, Library, Original Series, Places No Comments

Aldebaran System

Type-K Star (STSC)
Type-K Star (STSC)

The star Aldebaran was a K-Type star located 68 light-years from the Sol System, where it was named and sighted as one of the brightest in the night sky by Earth‘s ancient inhabitants. Aldebaran was also known by its old Earth Bayer classification of Alpha Tauri. It had at least five planets,[3] one of which was home to the Aldebaran Music Academy,[2] as well as the Aldebaran Colony[1] and planet Aldebaran III.[2, 4] Doctor Elizabeth Dehner joined the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 from the Aldebaran Colony.[1]


Friday, July 16th, 2010 DS9, Library, Original Series, Places No Comments

40 Eridani System

40 Eridani System (ST-01)
40 Eridani System (ST-01)

Trinary star system[3] located less than 16.5 light-years from Earth.[3, 4]
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15 Lyncis System

The 15 Lyncis System was located in the constellation Lynx, as seen from Earth. Inhabited planets in the system included Cait, homeworld of the Caitians.[1]


Spock (Mirror)

Spock (Mirror) (TOS-39)
Spock (Mirror) (TOS-39)

Spock served as the science officer aboard the I.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 under Captain Pike.[3] In 2265, he conspired with Commander James T. Kirk to distract and misdirect Pike, allowing Kirk to carry out a plot to assassinate Pike. When Kirk became captain of the Enterprise, he rewarded Spock’s loyalty by naming him first officer.[4]
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Thursday, July 15th, 2010 DS9, Library, Mirror, Original Series, Personnel No Comments

Kirk, James T. (Mirror)

Captain James T. Kirk (Mirror) (TOS-39)
Captain James T. Kirk (Mirror) (TOS-39)

A fine example of advancement in the Terran Empire‘s Starfleet was Captain James T. Kirk, commanding officer of the I.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701.[1] On Stardate 1299.7[11] in 2265, Kirk became captain of the Enterprise after assassinating Captain Christopher Pike[1].
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Spock (ST11)

Spock (ST-11)
Spock (ST-11)

Young Spock (ST-11)
Young Spock (ST-11)

Spock was born in the city of ShiKahr on Vulcan to Sarek and Amanda Grayson on Stardate 2230.06, and named for one of Vulcan’s early society-builders.[2] His youth was fraught with complications from his mixed VulcanHuman heritage. He was frequently tormented by his peers, who told him that he was “neither Vulcan nor human,” and thus had “no place in this universe.” By the time he reached adulthood, this prejudice had not abated, and played a pivotal role in his decision to decline a seat at the Vulcan Science Academy in 2248, and he elected instead to attend Starfleet Academy on Earth, where he became one of that institution’s most distinguished graduates.[1]
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Monday, July 12th, 2010 Library, Original Series, Personnel No Comments

Pike, Christopher (ST11)

Christopher Pike (ST-11)
Christopher Pike (ST-11)

Christopher Pike (ST-11)
Christopher Pike (ST-11)

Christopher Pike was the first captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701, and oversaw its construction for several years prior to its launch in 2258.
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Monday, July 12th, 2010 Library, Original Series, Personnel No Comments

Pike, Christopher (Mirror)

Christopher Pike (Mirror) (MU IDW MI #2)
Christopher Pike (Mirror) (MU IDW MI #2)

In 2265, Captain Christopher Pike of the I.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 was assassinated by his first officer, James T. Kirk, who then succeeded him as captain.[1]


Monday, July 12th, 2010 Library, Mirror, Original Series, Personnel No Comments