Original Series
Altair System
System with at least six planets, including Altair III,[2] Altair IV,[3] and Altair VI.[1]
Alpha Proxima II
One of several planets where female residents were brutally stabbed to death in the style of Jack the Ripper. A lifeform that fed off terror and fear was responsible.[1]
Alpha Onias III
Alpha Onias III Caves (TNG-190)
A barren yet light blue Class-M planet with hazy clouds, considered uninhabited until Barash was discovered there in 2367. One large cavern two kilometers below the surface contained stalactites, stalagmites, and volcanic gases including methane, sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide.[1]
Alpha Majoris I
Homeworld of a lifeform known as the Mellitus, which was gaseous in transit but became solid when still.[1]
Alpha Centauri System
The Sol System‘s closest stellar neighbor, a trinary that is only 4.3 light years away from Earth.[3] Warp-drive inventor Zefram Cochrane took up residence at a colony world in this system later in life.[1] In the D457 timeline, which had been altered by the premature death of Gabriel Bell, the lack of an Earth-fostered Federation left the Romulans free to expand as far as Alpha Centauri.[2]One of its component stars is Proxima Centauri.[3]
Alpha Carinae V
The home planet of the Drella, an entity that absorbs energy from the feelings of love it senses around it.[1]
Alpha Carinae II
Class-M planet on which Dr. Daystrom‘s M-5 computer was tested in 2267.[1]
Alpha Carinae System
Star system with at least five planets, including Alpha Carinae II[2] and Alpha Carinae V[1]
Alpha III
Origin of the civil liberties document cited by Samuel T. Cogley during Captain Kirk‘s court martial on Stardate 2947.3.[1]
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