Original Series

Planet, Class-G

Delta Vega (TOS-01)
Delta Vega (TOS-01)

Geocrystalline. Age ranged from 3-4 billion years. Diameter was 10,000 to 15,000 km. Typically located in the Ecosphere of a planetary system. Surface was still crystallizing, atmosphere contained carbon dioxide, some toxic gases. Eventually cools to become Class K, L, M, or N. May contain some primitive single-celled organisms.[1]

Class-G Planets


Monday, July 19th, 2010 Library, Original Series, Places No Comments

Planet, Class-F

Geometallic. Age ranged from 1-3 billion years. Diameter was 10,000 to 15,000 km. Typically located in the Ecosphere of a planetary system. Surface was prone to volcanic eruptions due to a molten core, atmosphere was primarily hydrogen compounds. Eventually cools to become Class G. May contain silicon-based life forms.[1]

Class-F Planets:


  • [1]STSC: Star Trek: Star Charts
Monday, July 19th, 2010 Library, Original Series, Places No Comments

Planet, Class-E

Geoplastic. Age ranged from 0-2 billion years. Diameter was 10,000 to 15,000 km. Typically located in the Ecosphere of a planetary system. Surface was molten with high temperatures, atmosphere was hydrogen compounds and reactive gases. Eventually cools to become Class F. May contain carbon-cycle life forms.[1]

Class-E Planets:


  • [1]STSC: Star Trek: Star Charts
Monday, July 19th, 2010 Library, Original Series, Places No Comments

Planet, Class-D

Class-D Planet (VOY-109)
Class-D Planet (VOY-109)

Moon (STSC)
Moon (STSC)

Asteroid/Moon. Age ranged from 2-10 billion years. Diameter was 100 to 1000 km. Typically located in the Hot Zone, Ecosphere or Cold Zone of a planetary system, primarily in orbit of larger planets or in asteroid belts. Surface was barren and cratered, atmosphere was nonexistent or extremely tenuous. No native life forms.[1]

Class-D Planets:


  • [1]STSC: Star Trek: Star Charts

Planet, Class-C

Psi-2000 (TOS-06)
Psi-2000 (TOS-06)

Geoinactive. Age ranged from 2-10 billion years. Diameter was 1000 to 10,000 km. Typically located in the Ecosphere or Cold Zone of a planetary system. Surface was low temperature, atmosphere was frozen. No native life forms.[1]

Class-C Planets:


  • [1]STSC: Star Trek: Star Charts

Planet, Class-B

Geomorteus. Age ranged from 0-10 billion years. Diameter was 1000 to 10,000 km. Typically located in the Hot Zone of a planetary system. Surface was partially molten and had a high temperature, atmosphere was extremely tenuous, with few chemically active gases. No native life forms.[1]

Class-B Planets:


  • [1]STSC: Star Trek: Star Charts

Planet, Class A

Gothos (TOS-18)
Gothos (TOS-18)

Geothermal. Age ranged from 0-2 billion years. Diameter was 1000 to 10,000 km. Typically located in the Ecosphere or Cold Zone of a planetary system. Surface was partially molten, atmosphere was primarily hydrogen compounds. Would eventually cool to become Class C. No native life forms.[1]

Class-A Planets:


  • [1]STSC: Star Trek: Star Charts
Monday, July 19th, 2010 Library, Original Series, Places No Comments

Cheron (83 Leonis)

Long-dead world in the 83 Leonis System[3] where a group of two advanced races destroyed each other over racial bigotry, not encountered by the Federation until 2268.[1] By coincidence, it also shared its name with the site of a decisive battle during the Romulan War.[2]


Monday, July 19th, 2010 Library, Original Series, Places No Comments


Site of a battle with the United Federation of Planets in the Omicron Gruis System,[3] which was considered a “humiliating” defeat by the Romulans, according to Admiral Jarok. It led to the creation of the Neutral Zone and thus likely the climax of the Romulan War in 2161.[2] By coincidence, it was also the name of a long-dead world where a group of two advanced races destroyed each other over racial bigotry, not encountered by the UFP until 2268.[1]


Ceti Alpha VI

The planet exploded in 2266, causing the orbit of Ceti Alpha V to shift, resulting in massive climate changes and a near-total die-off of life on that planet.[1]


  • [1]ST-02: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
Monday, July 19th, 2010 Library, Original Series, Places No Comments