
Shotgun, Plasma

Energy weapon. An Oklahoma farmer named Moore used one to shoot the Klingon courier, Klaang upon their unexpected encounter in April 2151.[1]


Friday, July 2nd, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Weapons No Comments

Photon Torpedo

Self-propelled missiles consisting of a small quantity of matter and antimatter bound together in a magnetic container, used as a tactical weapon by Federation starships.[2] Photon torpedoes are the preferred weapon when a ship is at warp drive since they are not limited by the speed of light, as ship’s phasers are.[1]


  • [1]ST-01: Star Trek: The Motion Picture
  • [2]TNG-121: The Arsenal of Freedom

Phase Pistol

Phase Pistols (ENT-01-02)

Energy weapon used by Starfleet in the mid-22nd century. The pistols had two settings: stun and kill. Malcolm Reed once noted that “it would be best not to confuse them.”[1]


Friday, July 2nd, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Weapons No Comments


Projectile weapon used in the late 21st century. The Novan Athan held one while standing guard over Malcolm Reed.[1]


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Lirpa (ENT-85)

Traditional Vulcan edged weapon. Lirpas saw practical use by Vulcan security forces as late as 2154[2], and were also used in ritual combat, such as the koon-ut-kal-if-fee.[1]



Explosives (ENT-83)

Chemical compounds designed to release enormous amounts of energy upon being triggered by an electrical charge.[1]


Friday, July 2nd, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Weapons No Comments

Energy Whip

Energy Whip (TNG-107)

A Ferengi weapon, the energy whip was a long, flexible tube that, when snapped like a whip, could release bolts of energy.[1] It fell into disuse in the early 2360s.



This early-issue Starfleet sidearm handled much like a phase pistol.[1]


Friday, July 2nd, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Weapons No Comments


Disruptor (TNG-151)
Disruptor (TNG-151)

Disruptor (TNG-167)
Disruptor (TNG-167)

Klingon disruptor (ENT-91)
Klingon disruptor (ENT-91)

Romulan disruptor (TNG-251)
Romulan disruptor (TNG-251)

Disruptor rifle (TNG-167)
Disruptor rifle (TNG-167)

Romulan disruptor rifle (TNG-208)
Romulan disruptor rifle (TNG-208)

Rutian disruptor rifle (TNG-160)
Rutian disruptor rifle (TNG-160)

Energy beam weapon used—in various forms—by numerous species in the 22nd through 25th centuries.[1, 2, 3, 4, 6] Distruptors were commonly used in pistol,[1] rifle,[4] and shipboard[6] configurations.



Crossbow (ENT-09)

Simple projectile weapon, which shoots small arrows via a tensile string much like a traditional bow, but has a lock and trigger mechanism. Crossbows were in use on the Akaali homeworld when it was visited in 2151 by the Enterprise NX-01.[1]


Friday, July 2nd, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Weapons No Comments