
Dermal Plating

Xyrillian dermal plating (CODE)

Anatomical attribute of the Xyrillians. For this species, dermal plating served as a mood sensory organ. The Xyrillian engineer Ah’len was surprised to discover that Trip Tucker did not have dermal plating.[1]


Sunday, July 4th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Medicine No Comments

Decon Gel

Decon gel (ENT-01-02)
Decon gel (ENT-01-02)

Decon gel (ENT-01-02)
Decon gel (ENT-01-02)

A medicinal gel applied to the skin before entering a sterile environment. Decon gel was applied in a decontamination chamber, and there were various forms to combat multiple infectious agents.[1]


  • 1. “Broken Bow.” Star Trek: Enterprise, Episodes 01-02. Television. 26 September 2001.
Sunday, July 4th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Medicine No Comments


Biobeds (TNG-103)
Biobeds (TNG-103)

Biobeds (ST-02)
Biobeds (ST-02)

Medical device. The biobed automatically scans and displays a patient’s vital signs to aid medical personnel in their duties.[1]


United States of America

Flag of the U.S.A (TNG-138)

Formed in 1776, the United States of America was originally composed of thirteen colonies that rebelled against the British Empire on Earth. The Talosians viewed several images of Human history, including several focused on the United States, while accessing the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701‘s computer.[1] By the mid-21st century, the United States had expanded to 52 states.[2]


United Federation of Planets

UFP Seal (ST-09)
UFP Seal (ST-09)

UFP Seal (ST-03)
UFP Seal (ST-03)

UFP Pennant (TOS-60)
UFP Pennant (TOS-60)

Interstellar political union. Member worlds included Earth and Vulcan. The U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 was part of the Federation’s Starfleet.[2] By 2373, there were more than 150 member worlds.[1]


Starfleet (Earth)

Exploratory and defensive space force of the planet Earth in the 22nd century.[1]


Sunday, July 4th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Politics No Comments


Wine made from a cactus that grows on the Northern foothills of Zobral’s planet. Zobral served yalasat to Jonathan Archer and Trip Tucker when they visited him for a meal in 2152.[1]


Sunday, July 4th, 2010 Enterprise, Food, Library No Comments


Red, intoxicating beverage. Traditionally, the Voo-Sinteel was consumed as the Great Plume of Agosoria reached its full brilliance. Reportedly, “it enhance[d] the experience.” This event occurred once every 11 years. Sonsorra offered a decanter of Voo-Sinteel to Trip Tucker.[1]


Sunday, July 4th, 2010 Enterprise, Food, Library No Comments

Tea, Zariphean Blend

Variety of tea available in the mess hall of the Enterprise NX-01. T’Pol claimed it would not have much effect on her Vulcan physiology, although it was heavily caffeinated.[1]


Sunday, July 4th, 2010 Enterprise, Food, Library No Comments


A type of food served to Ti’Mur captain Vanik during his visit to the Enterprise NX-01. The Vulcan officer did not partake of the meal, however.[1]


Sunday, July 4th, 2010 Enterprise, Food, Library No Comments