
Zymuth Gland

This gland was located in the neck of the Axanar species. The zymuth gland released triglobulin into the bloodstream. Several Axanar were killed and their triglobulin was harvested by an unknown species in 2151.[1]


Sunday, July 4th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Medicine No Comments


Natural psychotropic compound. Tropolisine was found in the flower pollen of Archer IV, first encountered by the Enterprise NX-01 in 2151. Strong winds caused it to affect the visiting crewmembers, who began to suffer from delusions.[1]


Sunday, July 4th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Medicine No Comments


Substance released into the bloodstream by the zymuth gland in the Axanar species. This substance was much like Human lymphatic fluid and was sometimes harvested by other species for such things as vaccines and aphrodisiacs.[1]


Sunday, July 4th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Medicine No Comments


Dental sealant that prevents tooth decay. In 2151, T’Pol developed a cavity in one of her tricuspids, despite having her teeth treated with trifluorinate 23 years earlier.[1]


Sunday, July 4th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Medicine No Comments


Dr. Phlox prescribed this medication to the Valakians in 2151 in order to ease the symptoms of a disease afflicting their species.[1]


Sunday, July 4th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Medicine No Comments

Pon Farr

Name of the Vulcan mating cycle. Every seven years, the adult Vulcan undergoes an extreme and erratic physical and psychological imbalance, which can be fatal if the mating ritual is not carried out.[1] When Spock underwent pon farr in 2267, the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 journeyed to Vulcan, where his betrothed mate chose another champion to fight for her—Captain Kirk. Only after McCoy deceived Spock by injecting Kirk with a substance that simulated death did Spock return to his normal, logical demeanor.[1] Certain agents have been known to accelerate the pon farr. For example, T’Pol found herself undergoing the pon farr prematurely after being exposed to foreign microbes on an away mission in 2153.[2]



Drug used to separate mating Denobulans, should they become too vigorous. In 2151, Dr. Phlox explained this to his human friend, Dr. Jeremy Lucas, who was serving on Denobula at the time.[1]


Sunday, July 4th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Medicine No Comments


Pharmaceutical that reduces decompression time. When Trip Tucker returned from a Xyrillian vessel in 2151, Dr. Phlox gave him 40 milligrams of mirazine to cut the normal six-hour decompression time in half.[1]


  • 1. “Unexpected.” Star Trek: Enterprise, Episode 05. Television. 17 October 2001.
Sunday, July 4th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Medicine No Comments

Kamaraazite Flu

Severe symptoms characterized this nasty viral infection. Dr. Phlox once had a patient afflicted with Kamaraazite flu who sneezed so violently he nearly regurgitated his pineal gland.[1]


Sunday, July 4th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Medicine No Comments


Common medical implement used to deliver medication to a patient subcutaneously by using an extremely fine, high-pressure aerosuspension delivery system. Hypospray technology was more hygienic in that it eliminated the need for a needle to physically penetrate the skin.[1]
