Archive for June, 2010

Reed, Malcolm

Malcolm Reed (ENT-49)
Malcolm Reed (ENT-49)

Malcolm Reed disguised as a Suliban (ENT-21)
Malcolm Reed disguised as a Suliban (ENT-21)

Malcolm Reed mutated into a Loque'eque (ENT-55)
Malcolm Reed mutated into a Loque’eque (ENT-55)

Lieutenant Malcolm Reed was the weapons and tactical expert on the Enterprise NX-01, and the first to jump into the fray when a rescue mission became necessary or when explosions needed to be mounted.[1]
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Wednesday, June 30th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments

Reed, Madeline

Madeline Reed (ENT-12)

Younger sister of Malcolm Reed. Madeline was contacted by Hoshi Sato during preparations for Malcolm’s surprise birthday party. She revealed that her brother was a very difficult person to get to know, and that she often couldn’t tell if he was joking or being serious.[1]


Wednesday, June 30th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments


Ravis (ENT-25)
Ravis (ENT-25)

Male alien who encountered Hoshi Sato during her shore leave on Risa in 2152. Hoshi was immediately intrigued by Ravis’ complex native language, and became even more interested when he asked her to join him in the exotic Risan steam pools.[1]


Wednesday, June 30th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments


Rajiin (ENT-56)

Beautiful alien slave woman from the planet Oran’taku. Captain Jonathan Archer rescued her from an alien bazaar, but soon found that Rajiin was sent by the Xindi-Reptilians to gather information about Humans using her special skills—she was able to “scan” humanoid physiology and anatomy. This information would later help the Xindi in their quest to build a bio-weapon to use against Earth.[1]


  • 1. “Rajiin.” Star Trek: Enterprise, Episode 56. Television. 1 October 2003.
Wednesday, June 30th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments

Picard, Jean-Luc

Jean-Luc Picard (ST-08)
Jean-Luc Picard (ST-08)

Jean-Luc Picard (ST-09)
Jean-Luc Picard (ST-09)

Jean-Luc Picard (ST-07)
Jean-Luc Picard (ST-07)

Jean-Luc Picard (TNG-225)
Jean-Luc Picard (TNG-225)

Locutus (ST-08)
Locutus (ST-08)

Jean-Luc Picard (TNG-165)
Jean-Luc Picard (TNG-165)

Jean-Luc Picard (TNG-110)
Jean-Luc Picard (TNG-110)

Jean-Luc Picard (TNG-212)
Jean-Luc Picard (TNG-212)

Jean-Luc Picard stabbed (TNG-241)
Jean-Luc Picard stabbed (TNG-241)

Young Jean-Luc Picard (TNG-233)Young Jean-Luc Picard (TNG-233)

Jean-Luc Picard on holodeck (ST-07)
Jean-Luc Picard on holodeck (ST-07)

Jean-Luc Picard (TNG-241)
Jean-Luc Picard (TNG-241)

Jean-Luc Picard disguised as a Romulan (TNG-208)
Jean-Luc Picard disguised as a Romulan (TNG-208)

Jean-Luc Picard was born in 2305, in the French town of Labarre on Earth.[17] His parents, Maurice Picard[17] and Yvette Gessard Picard,[2] were staunch traditionalists who brought him up with a very strong sense of his cultural roots and family history. The Picard family shunned modern technology such as replicators, and Maurice clearly hoped that Jean-Luc would stay in Labarre like his elder brother Robert.[17] Jean-Luc, however, was fascinated by space from an early age. He made several visits to the Smithsonian Institution, where he saw the Phoenix—the ship in which Zefram Cochrane made the first warp flight[33]—and he started building models of spaceships, such as a Promellian battle cruiser, in bottles.[11]
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Phlox (ENT-01-02)
Phlox (ENT-06)

Though the Denobulan Dr. Phlox claimed that he found it somewhat daunting to socialize with the almost-entirely human Enterprise NX-01 crew, he soon proved quite adept at it, striking up friendships with Crewman Elizabeth Cutler,[4] Ensign Hoshi Sato,[2] and fellow non-human Sub-Commander T’Pol.[2] In fact, Phlox was initially worried that Cutler had a romantic interest in him. Though his suspicions eventually proved true, Cutler only wanted to be friends, and she and Phlox enjoyed taking in the occasional movie together.[4] Phlox was also key in helping the initially jittery Sato realize that she belonged on Enterprise. He assisted her in caring for a sickly slug creature,[2] and began teaching her Denobulan.[4] The aloof T’Pol was something of a challenge, even for the genial doctor, but she and Phlox shared several meals, and she didn’t even seem to mind when Phlox picked errant food off of her plate.[2] Phlox has another human friend in regular correspondent Dr. Jeremy Lucas, a human colleague from the Interspecies Medical Exchange. Lucas was the first human serving on Phlox’s homeworld of Denobula, and as he helped Phlox get settled in San Francisco, Phlox returned the favor.[4]
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Wednesday, June 30th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments


Palmer (ENT-75)
Palmer (ENT-75)

One of the MACOs assigned to the Enterprise NX-01. Palmer accompanied “Trip” Tucker and Corporal Chang on the mission to the Loque’eque homeworld.[1] Palmer was also part of a team sent to infiltrate one of the spheres populating the Delphic Expanse.[2]


  • 1. “Extinction.” Star Trek: Enterprise, Episode 55. Television. 24 September 2003.
  • 2. “Countdown.” Star Trek: Enterprise, Episode 75. Television. 19 May 2004.
Wednesday, June 30th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments


Orgoth (ENT-54)
Orgoth (ENT-54)

Osaarian male. Orgoth was captured by Captain Archer when the Osaarian crew robbed the Enterprise NX-01 of valuable weapons and supplies. He was reluctant to give up information, but eventually cooperated when Archer resorted to unorthodox interrogation techniques. Orgoth was serving on one of two Osaarian ships that entered the Delphic Expanse. Initially, these were merchant ships looking for new trade routes. One of them was destroyed attempting to exit the Expanse, while the other was forced to resort to piracy. Orgoth quickly learned of the dangers of this area of space—his face was disfigured, the result of one of the mysterious spatial anomalies that populated the Expanse. After assisting the Enterprise, Orgoth was released to his people by Captain Archer. The Osaarian noted that mercy was not a quality that would serve the captain well in the Expanse.[1]


  • 1. “Anomaly.” Star Trek: Enterprise, Episode 54. Television. 17 September 2003.
Wednesday, June 30th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments

Novakovich, Ethan

Ethan Novakovich (ENT-04)
Ethan Novakovich (ENT-04)

Crewman on the Enterprise NX-01. Novakovich was part of a team that camped out on an unexplored planet, only to suffer from strange and frightening hallucinations. The crew later determined that the hallucinations were caused by a psychotropic-laced pollen[1]

Portrayed by Henri Lubatti.


Wednesday, June 30th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments


Narra (ENT-21)
Narra (ENT-21)

Young Suliban daughter of Danik. Narra lived with her father in a Tandaran internment camp run by Colonel Grat. She was freed in a massive escape initiated by Captain Archer.[1]


  • 1. “Detained.” Star Trek: Enterprise, Episode 21. Television. 24 April 2002.
Wednesday, June 30th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments