Archive for June, 2010


Sarin (ENT-01-02)
Sarin (ENT-01-02)

Sarin disguised as a Human (ENT-01-02)
Sarin disguised as a Human (ENT-01-02)

Suliban female and former Cabal member. Sarin left the Cabal when she became disenchanted with its methods and direction. She provided Klaang with proof that the Cabal was responsible for hostilities within the Klingon Empire, and later gave Captain Archer the same information. She was killed shortly thereafter by Silik.[1]

Portrayed by Melinda Clarke.


  • 1. “Broken Bow.” Star Trek: Enterprise, Episodes 01-02. Television. 26 September 2001.
Wednesday, June 30th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments


Sajen (ENT-21)
Sajen (ENT-21)

One of the civilian Suliban held in a Tandaran internment camp, and friend of fellow internees Danik and Narra. Sajen distrusted Captain Archer and Ensign Mayweather, but eventually joined them and the rest of the prisoners in an escape.[1]


  • 1. “Detained.” Star Trek: Enterprise, Episode 21. Television. 24 April 2002.
Wednesday, June 30th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments

Ryan, Matthew

Matthew Ryan (ENT-10)
Matthew Ryan (ENT-10)

First officer of the Earth Cargo Ship Fortunate. Ryan was a space boomer, like Travis Mayweather, and disapproved of Mayweather’s decision to join Starfleet. He was also bent on revenge for an attack by Nausicaans, and held a Nausicaan captive until Mayweather confronted him for putting all cargo ship crews at risk. Because of this incident, Captain Keene later stripped Ryan of his rank.[1]


Wednesday, June 30th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments


Rooney (ENT-49)
Rooney (ENT-49)

Rooney assimilated (ENT-49)
Rooney assimilated (ENT-49)

Human scientist who in 2153 was part of a research team that discovered the debris of a spherical alien vessel in a glacier in Earth‘s Arctic Circle. Among the debris were corpses of two cybernetically enhanced humanoids, which somehow came back to life and abducted Rooney and her associates at the arctic camp, then stole their transport and modified it for higher warp speeds. The Enterprise NX-01 was dispatched to intercept that transport, and discovered that Rooney and the others had themselves been transformed into cybernetic beings. Captain Archer‘s crew was unable to rescue them before destroying the transport, having determined they were no longer Human anyway.[1]


Wednesday, June 30th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments


Starfleet officer, stationed at Deep Space 9, who was killed on Stardate 50049.3 along with three fellow officers in a conflict with the Jem’Hadar at Torga IV. Rooney was a trumpet player, and once had people dancing in the aisles of Quark’s.[1]


  • 1. “The Ship.” Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Episode 500. Television. 7 October 1996.
Wednesday, June 30th, 2010 DS9, Library, Personnel No Comments


Romero (ENT-53)
Romero (ENT-53)

One of the MACOs assigned to the Enterprise NX-01.[1]


  • 1. “The Xindi.” Star Trek: Enterprise, Episode 53. Television. 10 September 2003.
Wednesday, June 30th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments


Riann (ENT-09)
Riann (ENT-09)

Akaali female and apothecary. Riann suspected that Garos‘ curio shop was the source of an epidemic among her people. She joined forces with Captain Archer to rid her planet of Malurians, and was the only Akaali to learn that Archer and his crew were actually from another planet. She and Archer also enjoyed a romantic attraction.[1]

Portrayed by Diane DiLasco.


Wednesday, June 30th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments

Reed, Stuart

Stuart Reed (ENT-12)
Stuart Reed

Father of Malcolm Reed. Stuart and Malcolm’s mother, Mary, spoke with Captain Archer in 2151. Archer was surprised to learn that Reed had not contacted his parents since he was first assigned to the Enterprise NX-01. Stuart was irritated that Malcolm chose space exploration over seafaring, as the Reeds had been Royal Navy men for generations.[1]


Wednesday, June 30th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments

Reed, Mary

Mary Reed (ENT-12)
Mary Reed (ENT-12)

Mother of Malcolm Reed. Mary and her husband, Stuart, were contacted in 2151 by Captain Archer, who was surprised to learn that Malcolm had not spoken with his parents since he was first assigned to the Enterprise NX-01. As Malcolm’s birthday was coming up, Archer wanted to know what Malcolm’s favorite food was, but Mary reported that her son never made any special requests, food-wise.[1]


Wednesday, June 30th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Personnel No Comments

Reed, Malcolm (Mirror)

Malcolm Reed (Mirror) (ENT-94)
Malcolm Reed (Mirror) (ENT-94)

Major Malcolm Reed was the chief of security and commanding officer of the MACO detachment aboard the I.S.S. Enterprise NX-01. He aided Jonathan Archer in a mutiny against Captain Forrest, though Archer had to threaten Reed in order to curb his bloodlust. Reed was subjected to the agony booth, which he had recently invented with Dr. Phlox, when Forrest retook the ship.[1] Reed survived the destruction of the Enterprise by the Tholians, as he was in a boarding party aboard the U.S.S. Defiant NCC-1764, which had crossed over to the Mirror Universe through an interspatial rift. He was seriously wounded while attempting to capture a Gorn, Slaar, who had been working aboard the Defiant for the Tholians.[2] Portrayed by Dominic Keating.


Wednesday, June 30th, 2010 Enterprise, Library, Mirror, Personnel No Comments